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Oldest Yo-Yo Dates Back To 400-500 B.C

Ancient Greek Yo-Yo

Question: When was the yo-yo invented?

Answer: The world has Pedro Flores to thank for the birth of the modern yo-yo. In 1928, Pedro Flores started a business producing a dozen handmade toys. One year later, he opened two additional factories in Los Angeles and Hollywood, which altogether employed 600 workers and produced 300,000 units daily.

The yo-yo became a popular toy in many countries. However, the true origin of the yo-yo is unknown. The world’s oldest known yo-yo dates back to 400-500 B.C in Greece.

Greek records from the period describe toys made out of wood, metal, or painted terra cotta (fired clay). The terra cotta disks were used to ceremonially offer the toys of youth to certain gods when a child came of age—discs of other materials were used for actual play.

See also:

Ancient Egyptian Toys And Games In Focus

There are also in existence some Grecian Urns from the same period with drawings depicting yo-yo tricks such as walk the dog.

The next period in history that is documented is the Mayan era around 700 AD. There is supposedly a yo-yo from this period located in the Anthropological Museum in Merida on the Yucatan Peninsula.


Yo-Yo Museum


Boy playing with a terracotta yo-yo, Attic kylix, c. 440 BC, Antikensammlung Berlin

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