Witch Bottle Protecting From Evil Spirits Discovered During Newark Civil War Centre Dig
|MessageToEagle.com – Archaeologists restoring old buildings in Newark-on-Trent in the UK have uncovered a perfectly-preserved green “witch bottle” that was once believed to protect buildings from evil spirits and witches. The green bottle, which is about 15cm (5.9in) tall, was probably used in the 1700s to ward off evil spells cast by witches, researchers believe.
The witch bottles were usually filled with fingernails, hair and even urine.

“Finding this very fragile bottle in one piece supports the idea that it was carefully placed in the ground,” archaeologist Will Munford, from Pre-construct Archaeological Services of Lincoln, said.
“Perhaps it was buried during the construction of the Georgian part of the Old Magnus Building, but we can’t be certain.
“It is the first time we have encountered a suspected witch bottle, but we did find a probable witching shoe – which had a similar purpose – in Worlaby, Lincolnshire.

We often forget that people were very superstitious – it was part of their everyday lives.
They thought that secreting such personal objects would offer protection from malign forces.”

Witch bottles were very common in those days. The bottles were usually made of stoneware or glass but sometimes old inkwells or candlesticks were used.
As many as 300 people were executed for witchcraft in eastern England between 1644-46, even though the laws against witchcraft were repealed in 1736.
Old Magnus Building project manager Bryony Robins from Newark and Sherwood District Council said the bottle would be displayed at the National Civil War Centre when it opened in 2015.
“It’s a fascinating object and part of the history of Newark. If it is a witching bottle, it tells us a great deal about how people once viewed the world,” she said.