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Will Aliens Look Like Humans Or Enormous Jelly-Fish? Two Entirely Different Scientific Views On Extraterrestrial Life

Will Aliens Look Like Humans Or Enormous Jelly-Fish – Anyone interested in advanced extraterrestrial life-forms has sometimes wondered what alien species will look like.

There is probably no-one who can provide us with an adequate answer, but there are many opinions and as you’ll find out – the views are often contradicting.

Environmental conditions on play a significant part in the development of any living species.

Over the years many scientists have speculated and attempted to provide us with a good image of advanced alien civilizations.

For example, Dr Alderin-Pocock, a leading a satellite expert and government adviser, at European space company Astrium who thinks that life is likely to have evolved very differently on other planets.

Based on recent astronomical discoveries, Dr Alderin-Pocock speculates that as many as four intelligent extraterrestrial civilisations could exist in our galaxy, the Milky Way.
Dr. Alderin-Pocock’s presentation of extraterrestrials is rather surprising. According to her Alderin-Pocock aliens will look like enormous jelly-fish.

Bizarre jellyfish-like beings dreamt up by British scientist Dr Maggie Alderin-Pocock
Photo: Eden’s Science Month/PA

“Our imaginations are naturally constrained by what we see around us, and the conventional wisdom has been that life needs water and is carbon-based.

But some researchers are doing exciting work, playing with ideas such as silicon-based life forms.

Silicon is just below carbon in the periodic table, has some chemical similarities, and is widely available in the universe.

So perhaps we could imagine similar instructions to DNA but with silicon.

See also:

Is This What Humans Will Look Like In Millions Of Years From Now?

Aliens Will Look Like Huge Jelly-Fish Floating In The Air – Scientist Says

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Maybe life doesn’t have to resemble anything like DNA at all,” said Dr Alderin-Pocock, who described her ET as part of Science Month on TV channel Eden

Now, that is an opinion Professor Simon Conway Morris from St John’s College, UK would most likely disagree with.

In his new book The Runes of Evolution, Professor Conway Morris who is a leading evolutionary biologist argues that if they exist and we ever encountered them, they would look very similar to us.

“An area of biology which is becoming popular, perhaps too popular, that the possibility evolution is becoming much more predictable than people thought,” he told The Independent. “The book is really trying to persuade the world that evolutionary convergence is completely ubiquitous. Wherever you look you see it.

“The theme is to try and drive the reader, gently of course, into the possibility that the things which we regard as most important, ie cognitive sophistication, large brains, intelligence, tool making, are also convergent. Therefore, in principle, other Earth-like planets should very much end up with the same sort of arrangement.”

Professor Conway Morris, a Fellow at St John’s College, said it follows that plant and animal life on other planets able to support life would also look similar to Earth’s.
He said: “Certainly it’s not the case that every Earth-like planet will have life let alone humanoids. But if you want a sophisticated plant it will look awfully like a flower.

If you want a fly there’s only a few ways you can do that. If you want to swim, like a shark, there’s only a few ways you can do that. If you want to invent warm-bloodedness, like birds and mammals, there’s only a few ways to do that.

What do you think – what will an advanced alien species look like?


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