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Werewolf – Ancient Worldwide Belief In Terrible Curse

Angela Sutherland  – – “Those born with a birthmark, wolfish tufts of hair, or a caul on their head were believed to be werewolves.” 1

A man can become an exceptionally horrible creature, known in ancient folk and mythological beliefs as a werewolf. In ancient times, it was believed in the possibility of transforming man into an animal, and this shape-shifting phenomenon is mentioned in the mythologies and legends of the whole world.

A werewolf in dark woods. Credit: Adobe Stock – rudall30

One such shape-shifting creature comes from Argentinean folklore and is known as a lobison (a ‘werewolf’). During the full moon, the beast preys upon cattle and is, therefore, dangerous. Anyone who is bitten by one in its wolf form would become a lobison. Thus, when a seventh son is born, the child is destined to be a lobison.

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