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Was Our Tailor-Made Bubble Universe Created By A Superior Intelligence Living In Another Universe?

FacebookTwitterFlipboardPinterestEmailShare – Is our own universe a “tailor-made” creation by someone who create and control the laws of the universe?

Among many mysteries of modern cosmology, this particular question has continuously been pondered by scientists.

“Our universe could easily be the outcome of an experiment carried out by a superior intelligence in another universe,” said once cosmologist Edward R. (Ted) Harrison (1919 – 2007), emeritus, Distinguished University Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
According to Harrisson it is a real possibility.

“Since the inflationary theory implies that the entire observed universe can evolve from a tiny speck, it is hard to stop oneself from asking whether a universe can in principle be created in the laboratory,” said Alan Guth, father in the inflationary theory of the Universe, Victor F. Weisskopf Professor of Physics at MIT and author of the book “The Inflationary Universe”.

More and more physicists are convinced that our universe is not alone but instead one among an infinite number of other bubble-like universes.
Max Tegmark, physicist of the University of Pennsylvania, imagines a “multiverse” full of separate universes that exist with different constants and laws of physics.
According to him, nature’s fine-tuning is not a coincidence.

“There are only two possible explanations,” he says.

Bubble universe

“Either the universe was designed specifically for us by a creator, or there exists a large number of universes, each with different values of the fundamental constants, and not surprisingly we find ourselves in one, in which the constants have just right values to permit galaxies, stars and life.”

Famous mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler, for example, had long pondered the question: Why is the sun exactly 93 million miles from Earth? He failed to solve this puzzle.

In fact, our universe appears so skillfully and meticulously tuned to create the conditions necessary for life, so we can instead ask, why do we humans find ourselves on this particular planet at this particular distance from the sun?

The answer is, because other planets at the wide range of distances from their host stars are unable to offer suitable conditions for us to live. They are too cold – as located too far away from their host stars, or too warm – as located too close to them. So why are we placed on this particular planet that offers so suitable conditions for us to live? And why do we find ourselves in a universe with a particular amount of dark energy we’ve measured instead of any other place out there?

The answer could be like this: other universes that have much more dark energy than ours, whenever matter tries to clump into galaxies, the repulsive push of the dark energy is so strong that it blows the clump apart and galaxies don’t form.

We know that there are other planets and among them some are similar to ours, but we still only speculate about the possibility that there might be other universes.

By trying to understand the complexity of the Big Bang event, cosmologists have already found a mechanism that can generate other universes, that form – as Brian Greene, an American theoretical physicist and string theorist, says “a grand cosmic bubble bath of universes”.

This mechanism – provided by the laws of physics and known as cosmic inflation – produces exactly this sort of a “bang”. It’s the violent cosmic explosion – the Big Bang – with which the universe began. Still we don’t know what would have powered the Bang itself.

The inflationary theory identified a particular kind of fuel that would naturally generate an outward rush out of space. Interesting with this fuel is that it can never be used all up – being in some way never ending.

So, according to this theory, the Big Bang giving rise to our universe – is not one time, but many times. In other words – it creates many universes – namely multiverse.

This unbelievable, never ending fuel not only generated our Big Bang, but it would also generate countless other universes. These bubble-like universes – exist separately and naturally, there is an order in them; they possess extra dimensions with different shapes with different physical features – all perfectly tuned.

Our universe is one of such bubbles – a finely tuned machine – among perhaps million or billions of bubbles living their own life.

And so, we find ourselves in one universe instead of the other, because the physical features and the amount of dark energy are right for our form of life.

See also:

Past Present And Future Exist All At Once – Unravelling Secrets Of Quantum Physics

Are Some Of Our Dreams Glimpses From A Parallel Universe?

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Scientists have found about 20 numbers, 20 fundamental constants of nature that give the universe the characteristics we see today. These are numbers like how much an electron weighs, the strength of gravity, the electromagnetic force and the strong and weak forces.

No deviations from these characteristics can be tolerated. Physicists have discovered that even slight deviation in the laws that we observe would result in a universe completely devoid of stars and life.

Now, as long as we set the dials on our universe machine to precisely the right values for each of these 20 numbers, the machine produces the universe with life conditions suitable for us humans.

To make this entire concept even more complex, we must not forget that there are a large number of parallel worlds within our own universe. In other words, there are bubbles within bubbles.

“These additional bubbles not only do not exist in just one universe, they exist in parallel universes – universes that can be reached from our universe via a process called quantum tunneling“, says Fred Alan Wolf, an American theoretical physicist specializing in quantum physics and the relationship between physics and consciousness.

“In this process an electron is able to suddenly vanish in one universe and appear in another. Indeed, if this idea is correct, much of what we now call psychic phenomena, altered states of awareness, channeling of conscious beings, spirits, ghostly apparitions, flying saucers, and other unexplainable phenomena could be explained as information tunneling – coming from parallel universes.”

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