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Was King William II Murdered In The New Forest?


Ellen Lloyd – – Some historical mysteries cannot be easily solved. One of them involves King William II who died under mysterious circumstances. Historians are still debating what really happened on August 2, 1100, in the New Forest. Was King William II shot by accident or murdered?

Most likely, due to his red hair and hot temper, King William II, ( 1056 – 1100) was also known as Rufus the Red. King William II was the third son of William the Conqueror.

Was King William II Murdered In The New Forest?

Left: William II of England, Credit: Matthew Paris, Public Domain – Right: Death of William Rufus, lithograph by Alphonse de Neuville, 1895, Credit: Public Domain

When Rufus the Red died, few people mourned him, and this has led historians to believe he was not very popular.  According to Frank Barlow, an English historian, known particularly for biographies of medieval figures, Rufus the Red was “a rumbustious, devil-may-care soldier, without natural dignity or social graces, with no cultivated tastes and little show of conventional religious piety or morality—indeed, according to his critics, addicted to every kind of vice, particularly lust and especially sodomy.”

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