Are You A Victim Of Cyberbullying And Online Stalking – We Are And This Is Our Story! – Are you a victim of cyberbullying and online stalking? Online harassment is not ok!
We here at and are and have been harassed online for some years now. This is our story and we want to share it with our readers, colleagues and partners. Let the truth be known!
For some years now and its science writers have been harassed online by a large ancient history site.
The site’s owners are of Greek and Australian origin. (Update: In 2017 they moved to Ireland).
Research, based on information from people who in the past worked with them and online material available about these individuals shows the site’s owners are former members of a dark cult dedicated to the worship Belzebub (a demon, prince of the devils etc) and witchcraft.
The female was a leader of a cult in Australia, known under the name Ariel (her cult name) and the Greek male was in charge of a cult in Greece. All this information is available online.
Information from their former co-workers indicate these people engage and enjoy disgusting rituals that belong in the Dark Ages and could never be allowed in our modern society.
They were kicked out of the cult when they tried to take it over completely.
Further investigation shows they lived in other countries including Greece, United Kingdom before they relocated to South America (in 2017 to Ireland).
These peoples’ political views are also extreme, but none of it is our business and we here at do not feel it is our job to interfere with peoples’ personal lives and “hobbies”.
However, this ancient history site in question has been harassing our science writers for many years and now it’s time to deal with this!
Hiding and letting them get away with their hideous behavior does not solve the problem. As all stalkers, they like us to keep quiet and not expose them.
That is not an option we can and will accept. is a science site and has international staff from Sweden, USA, Poland, South Africa and United Kingdom.
The reason for this online harassment is not entirely clear, but based on what we and our partners have noticed, their cyberbullying against us is based on the fact that their ultimate goal is to take control of internet and have a monopoly on all subjects related to ancient history.
As we are their biggest competitor, they try to eliminate us using psychological terror.
This disgusting behavior has been noticed and documented by several people, including many of our readers who are deeply concerned.
Since these people believe in witchcraft, demons and cast of evil spells (complete nonsense in our opinion) they post on facebook for example images of a dead woman and broken eagle wings, dead birds lying in graveyards, articles with provocative titles Sweden is cursed, mix titles with graveyards and Vikings and much more.
This is their way to try to “cast evil” spells hoping something bad will happen to our science writers or they will be upset and cannot focus on their work.
Another method is to steal text from our articles. The usual copy/paste thing no serious professional journalists would ever engage in.
Yet another thing they have done is that they have created faked facebook accounts and added themselves as “friends” so they can spy on our science writers’ private facebook walls.
This ancient history site is very money oriented. They claim to be earning 10,000 USD/month and yet this large amount does not seem to be enough as they have also a paid section for members.
We are a MUCH smaller site and our work is based on passion for the subjects we cover and not greed. We DON’T compete with anyone. We DON’T imitate anyone. We don’t spy on competitors Facebook walls and post the same subject an hour later. We want to do our things and we prefer to be unique than a bad imitation. Our readers have seen this.
UPDATE : April 2018 – Nevertheless, everyone who is a professional online writer must survive and pay bills. On April, 2018 our sister site also opened a paid subscription section due to the number of readers using adblocker. There are currently 670 million online readers using adblocker! We simply have no choice and we prefer to write for people who truly appreciate our articles.
As previously stated, how publishers run their sites in not our concern, but online cyberbullying and stalking is unacceptable and must be dealt with, even if it means legal authorities must interfere.
A majority of larger and medium online publishers are aware of the problems we have been facing for years now. We co-operate with many publishers, however, many readers still do not know what is going on behind the scenes.
In the case of, the situation is different because we are dealing with two very disturbed people who have no ethics, are ruthless, want to rule the world, are and mentally very unstable.
It is dangerous and disturbing to see that such people are allowed to roam internet, rips sites off their material and conduct online cyberbullying.
But make no mistake about it – the Eagle will keep flying and deliver news and interesting stories.
Our science writers are no teenagers. They are older and of course this is very bad for their health, but we will prevail and we will use whatever means are necessary to defend our site and our writers.
To say that this particular ancient history site is unethical, unprofessional and run by individuals with a very dark past and doubtful agenda is an understatement. is a symbol of science and we do not approve of any dark cults, awful rituals, cyberbullying and online harassment!
To all readers, publishers and everyone in the science community who have supported us – thank you! cannot be defeated by such evil people.
Our advice: If you are harassed online, remember you are facing psychological terror that is very bad for your health. Deal with the problem and don’t hide. and
Ellen Lloyd – owner
Kevin Montana – chief editor
Angus Sutherland – senior science and ancient history writer
Cynthia McKanzie – science writer
Michael Duncan – science writer
Conny Waters – ancient history writer
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – science writer
Science writers and journalists represent Sweden, USA, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom
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