Very Unusual Ancient Viking Era Coin Linked To England Discovered In Sweden
| – Archaeologists excavating in Sweden made an exciting discovery when they found a very unusual and rare ancient Viking era coin.

The coin was found outside in a ditch outside the town of Linköping, Sweden. The silver coin was produced in the early 1oos and can be traced to England. This part in Sweden was known far having contact with the Englishmen during the Viking era.
According to Catherine Shield, who is one of the archaeologists who found the artifact this long silver coin is a type Aethelred II coin. These coins were made by coin master Aethelred II in Oxford during the period 1003-1009. Aethelred II was king of Northumbria. He was the son of Eanred.

Relatively little is known of his reign from the surviving documentary record. He appears to have been expelled in favor of Rædwulf, whose reign is confirmed by the evidence of coinage. However, Rædwulf was killed the same year, fighting against Vikings, and Aethelred II was restored to power. He was assassinated a few years later, but no further details are known of his murder.
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Aethelred II coinage was the result of a monetary system which rates as one of the most impressive aspects of Anglo-Saxon royal government. As designs for the coins were changed, old batches were recalled and new batches issued, allowing them to maintain control of the economy.

The theory is that the silver coin in Linghem dropped to the ground within a period of 30 years after they produced the 1000 century.
Around 2000 English coins of this kind have been picked up from the Swedish soil so far, they were always part of greater ancient reassures. To find a single coin like this one is unusual and has only happened for times before in Sweden.