– Did a highly advanced Antediluvian civilization once inhabit Malta, a small island located in the Mediterranean Sea?
What kind of sophisticated machinery was responsible for the creation of strange ruts carved into the rock which are found in many parts of Malta?
In certain places like St Georges Bay and Dingle, they pass across the cliffs and continue directly into the water, which would suggest Malta was once in the distant past part of large continent, namely Atlantis.
A number of theories have been put forward in an attempt to shed some light on purpose and function of these enigmatic structures. The features cover many square kilometers but who built them and how? Was it a strong extraterestrial influence involved in their creation?
First of all, no one knows what this network of traces represent. Malta’s cart ruts were considered to be a cult, calendar, aqueduct, writing and other nonsense.
Malta’s cart ruts are peculiar. These are not ordinary rails we find on the ground, because the traces of parallel running grooves differ not only between the different tracks, but even in the course of a single track.
This is particularly clear in the southwest of Mdina, the old capital of Malta, in the area of Dingle.
The cart-ruts are running through the island’s valleys and in other places they can be found on the hills or disappearing in the Mediterranean Sea.
They climb the hills, run through valleys, then suddenly narrowed to two-track line and finally fall in a very risky turn.
The cart-ruts appear in single pairs or in groups and always perfectly parallel. The approximate depth of these prehistoric “channels” is from 8 to 15 cm.
In some places their depth is about 60 cm. The distance between the cart-ruts which form “V” or “U” pattern is often about 1.4 meter but it may vary.
Were they left by vehicles and their wheels? No, because this hypothesis does not allow for the different width of the traces. The traces do not always have a uniform depth of what they would do – if they were caused by chariot wheels.
However, different depth of grooves could compensate for irregularities in the rocky ground. Why was it necessary to avoid irregularities? In the south-western cliffs of Gnejna Bay, for example, the traces lead up to the cliffs that drop 30 meters perpendicular to the sea.
Besides, sometimes ruts turn so sharp and at the same time, are so deep that no vehicle could be able to make such maneuver.
Why would someone create a road in such unusual place?
According to Joseph S. Ellul’s (1920-2011) research there are several reasons to consider the idea that Malta is much older than orthodox science is willing to admit. In his opinion, Malta was part of Atlantis. Later, Noah’s Flood (the Great Flood) inundated a number of Malta’s prehistoric monuments, some of which are still submerged.
Joseph S. Ellul invastigated Malta’s cart-ruts and concluded that the tracks were created by heavy machinery rather than wheels. He suggests that they served a regular and controlled “tracks” traffic.
It was a scheduled traffic of some kind.
On some stretches of the coast in St. George’s Bay, situated on the north-east coast of Malta, tracks go straight to the Mediterranean Sea. Underwater tracks formed when sea levels were much lower than today, according to Erich von Däniken, who described the structures on Malta in his book “Prophet of the Past” (Prophet der Vergangenheit, 1979).
The sea had not advanced so far as it has now; there was a road across the valley. and where once there was land, today is water. So when was this “once”? Most probably… 10,700 years ago, a time that is often associated with the Great Flood.
Ellul point out that the cart-ruts were created at a time when a large part of the Mediterranean Sea was dry land. Was it the beginning of Malta’s civilization?
Similar mysterious cart-ruts that have also been found in southern France, Greece, Italy and Sicily. Their origin is unexplained.
There is no doubt that the cart-ruts on Malta represent an unsolved prehistoric mystery.
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