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Unexplained Mystery Of The Untraceable Stone-Throwers – Strangeness In North America, Belgium And Indonesia – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – First reports of the untraceable stone-throwers started to reach the public in the seventeenth century, but it’s possible the phenomenon is much older.

Since then, little or no progress has been made in finding a plausible explanation for this curious mystery. Most probably, the reason lies in the fact that there has been no proper scientific investigation of it.

Whenever it happens – and it happened frequently in the past – police officers and other investigators have been baffled. Most researchers who investigated this unusual stone behavior have made a common mistake.  They usually do not realize that all these events share similar patterns.  It has wrongly been assumed that each untraceable stone-thrower incident is a unique occurrence. This is not the case.

In this article, we explore some remarkable cases that have been reported worldwide. Perhaps you can figure out what happened and what mysterious force was behind these extraordinary events?

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