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Time Travel Might Be Impossible: Discovery Of New Tear-Shaped Atomic Nucleus Challenges Fundamental Theory Of Physics

Time travel – Enthusiasts of the time travel theory might have a reason to feel worried and even disappointed.  Even though several scientists have previously said moving through time can be accomplished under certain circumstances, a recent physics study indicates time travel might in fact be impossible.

Physicists have confirmed the existence of a new pear-shaped atomic nucleus that is challenging a fundamental theory of physics used to explain the universe

The possibility of time travel has fascinated mankind for ages, perhaps much longer than we even suspected. There are even some ancient myths and legends that suggest our ancestors were familiar with the concept of time travel.

In modern days, several people have told remarkable time travel stories relating how they were able to visit the past and future.

We encounter the concept of time travel in science fiction and it the possibility of time travel is immensely intriguing, but does physics really allow time travel?

Time travel has fascinatined mankind for ages.

When we try to find ways to travel back in time, we are affecting a very important part of our physical Universe, called causality, the relationship between cause and effect.

If we want to travel back in time, we must find a way to prevent causality from being violated.

New discoveries in the world of physics will also shed more light on the question whether it is actually possible to secure passage to a time fixed in the past or future.

Physicists have now confirmed the existence of a new form of atomic nuclei. The pear-shaped, asymmetrical nuclei, first observed in 2013 by researchers from CERN in the isotope Radium-224 is also present in the isotope Barium-144.

The good news is that finding is without doubt a breakthrough in the world of physics. The pear-shaped nucleus can solve the biggest mysteries in theoretical physics. It can answer the question, “Where is all the dark matter?” and also explain why traveling backwards in time might be impossible.

The discovery confirms it is possible to have a nuclei that has more mass on one side than the other. “This violates the theory of mirror symmetry and relates to the violation shown in the distribution of matter and antimatter in our Universe,” said Marcus Scheck of University of the West of Scotland, one of the authors of the study.

According to Scheck this uneven distribution of mass and charge causes Barium-144’s nucleus to ‘point’ in a certain direction in space-time, and this bias could explain why time seems to only want to go from past to present, and not backwards, even if the laws of physics don’t care which way it goes.

See also:

Time Travel: A Journey To The Fourth Dimension

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“We’ve found these nuclei literally point towards a direction in space. This relates to a direction in time, proving there’s a well-defined direction in time and we will always travel from past to present,” Marcus Scheck said.

Of course, there’s no way of proving that without further evidence, but the discovery is yet another indication that the Universe might not be as symmetrical as the Standard Model of Physics needs it to be, and proving that could usher us into a whole new era of theoretical physics.

Does this discovery really close the case for time travel? No, not really, many more tests and experiments have to be conducted before we can rule out the possibility of time travel.


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