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Three Judges Of Souls Await You On Chinvat Bridge – Gateway To Unknown Realms In Zoroastrian Beliefs

Ellen Lloyd – – The concept of death, soul, and afterlife have long fascinated humans. Like modern scientists keep speculating about what happens when we die, ancient civilizations had their own beliefs about what death really means. Invisible bridges leading to unknown realms are mentioned in many myths and legends.

Most ancient people did not consider death to be the ultimate end of existence. The vision of some sort of afterlife was shared by many of our ancestors.

The idea that there was an invisible bridge between heaven and the earth can be encountered in the mythology of many different peoples. As author Michael P. Berman points out in his book, A Bridge to the Other Side “ in Borneo, the passage for souls to heaven is across a long tree; it is scarcely practicable to any except those who have killed a man.

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