Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com –Tattoos aren’t worth getting from a health perspective, according to dermatologist Maciej Pastuszczak from the Medical University of Silesia. He cites potential carcinogenic ink ingredients and an increased risk of pathogenic processes.
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“We’re already exposed to many harmful substances, so it’s not worth adding more,” he says. For tattoo durability, ink should be injected into the dermis, which is rich in blood vessels and nerves,” said Dr. Pastuszczak is an esteemed specialist in the fields of dermatology and venereology, as well as clinical immunology. He holds the prestigious position of Head of the Clinical Department of Dermatology at the university in Zabrze.
“Inks can cause allergic reactions, such as short-term hives or long-term eczema-like changes.”
‘This is a medical problem, because unlike, for example, hair dye, the ink from a tattoo cannot be removed easily and quickly. As a result, the symptoms can persist for a long time, intensify and become increasingly more problematic’, Dr. Pastuszczak says.
Complex immunological reactions, like granulomas, may occur in the skin or internal organs. Piercing the skin is also risky. Despite improved hygiene in tattoo parlors, infections still happen, requiring antibiotics and sometimes involving serious diseases like hepatitis B and C, and HIV.
Dr. Pastuszczak advises caution when tattooing patients with dermatological conditions like psoriasis, lichen planus, or atopic dermatitis. Chronic skin inflammation and a faulty epidermal barrier can lead to poor healing and infections in atopic dermatitis. For psoriasis, even minor skin irritation can trigger lesions.
For dermatologists, assessing the skin of a heavily tattooed patient is challenging. Preliminary data suggest that cancers like basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or malignant melanoma may be diagnosed later on tattooed skin due to limited scientific reports.
Written by Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com Staff Writer