Taking Photographs Of Past Events: Still Science Fiction Or Reality Soon?
A. Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com – Can past events be photographed after they have occurred?
This is an interesting question, however, at first glance, it may seem absurd. Based on our perception of time and reality it should not be possible to capture a past event on camera unless we think in science fiction terms.
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However, a secret experiment conducted by the U.S Air Force shows that our so-called ‘reality’ is not what we might think it really is.
Modern science is not still-standing but progressing at a tremendous speed and report incredible breakthroughs frequently. What seemed totally impossible to achieve in the 19th century is perfectly normal and obvious achievement today.
Television is for example one of those inventions we simply take for granted. Yet, who could predict a hundred years ago that a small box with a glass screen would one day show us live pictures of events taking place miles away?
Today, television is a natural part of our daily life. We come home after work; we turn on the TV and contemplate our favorite programs. But what we don’t think about is the technology producing the images on the screen.
A television today is just as common as the coffee machine, the car or a plane, all modern inventions, which we are accustomed to living with, and would have difficulties being without.
But let us now consider a kind of “television” that shows us live events taking place in the past. You may think it’s science fiction, but if we assume we have advanced technology that is capable of producing images displaying events after they occurred – this science fiction becomes reality!
In order to achieve this, we would have to discover a way to break the time barrier. We must actually be able to move to the past, capture a live event on camera, and transport it back to our present times.
That sounds impossible, but maybe it is not. The concept of time is very complex. The connection between past, present, and future is a subject that occupies the mind of many physicists around the world. What is reality?
Think about it! Is reality what happens now at this particular moment in time?
Is our present our reality? We can also regard “reality” from a different angle. The present is no more real than the future. Every tomorrow will become today. Every today is transformed into yesterday. What is now at present will be past in an instant and what is future at this moment will eventually become the present.
See also my previous articles:
Past Present And Future Exist All At Once – Unravelling Secrets Of Quantum Physics
Existence Of Time – One Of The Greatest Mysteries Of The Universe
If we want to understand time, we must examine the relationship between the past, present, and future. This relation is crucial for understanding that the past, present, and future are interlinked and co-exist even right now – as one!
Time travel experiments have been conducted at a very early stage. According to an article that appeared in Miami Herald on August 17, 1958, the U. S. Army was involved in several earth-shaking time travel experiments at that time.
During one of those experiments, a special infrared camera captured an empty parking lot from a reconnaissance plane.
The result was extraordinary. The photographs showed cars that had been parked on the lot several hours before the shots were taken. How is it possible?
Test officials at the Eglin Air Force Base in Florida explained that the camera’s film was sensitive to heat rays, emitted by solid objects, instead of light rays as in the case of an ordinary camera.
Due to the classified nature of the infra-red camera, the officials did not disclose how far back into time a photo could be taken. The technology used must remain secret. The “time pictures” were not released to the public as the military feared that these remarkable photographs could end up in the wrong hands and be used by certain scientists who might have “read too much from them”.
This idea is not new. Manly P. Hall, a Canadian-born writer, lecturer, philosopher, and mystic wrote about the time viewing machine many years ago:
“Though the past sinks into shadows which our physical senses cannot penetrate, it nevertheless still exists, and if its vibrations can be intensified by electrical amplifications, the ages can be made to live again. At our pleasure, we could by turning a little dial, watch the pyramid builders heaping mountains of granite together; once more would senators argue in the Roman Forum; the lurid flames of the Inquisition would burn before our eyes to be followed by the firebrands of the French Revolution…”
Just imagine the feeling to view the history of our planet as it occurred many thousands of years ago…. images of our past, the creation of the human race, the prehistoric alien visitations, the cosmic disasters our planet has suffered, the battle between Yahweh and the fallen angels, his rebelling spacemen, the giants who walked the Earth, and more…
Can you think of a better movie to watch?
Written by – A. Sutherland – MessageToEagle.com Senior Staff Writer
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