![The view of the region close to the Galactic Centre centred where the planet was found. The two images show the region as seen by Kepler (left) and by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) from the ground. The planet is not visible but its gravity affected the light observed from a faint star at the centre of the image (circled). Kepler's very pixelated view of the sky required specialised techniques to recover the planet signal](https://www.messagetoeagle.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/twinjupiterdisc1-220x162.jpg)
Amazing Discovery: A Near-Identical Jupiter’s Twin Orbiting A Star At Distance Of 17,000 Ligh-Years From Earth
April 1, 2022
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – MessageToEagle.com – A near-identical twin of Jupiter orbiting a star at a colossal distance of 17,000 light-years from Earth, was discovered by NASA’s Kepler
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