– Researchers have long wondered about the origin of Jupiter’s lightning. NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft flew past Jupiter in March, 1979 and confirmed the existence of Jovian lightning. – Jupiter’s ‘Great Red Spot’ has become taller as it is found to be shrinking, NASA’s new study revealed. “Storms are dynamic, and that’s what we see with the – Atmospheric winds of the gas-giant planet run deep into Jupiter’s atmosphere and last longer than similar atmospheric processes found here on Earth, according to data collected by NASA’s – Mars may have formed in the Asteroid Belt, approximately one and a half times as far from the Sun as its current position, before migrating to its – Researchers on NASA’s Juno mission have analyzed Jupiter’s auroras, which are the most powerful in the solar system. Their observations based on data collected by the ultraviolet – Located about 484 million miles from the Sun and known as the King of Roman Gods, Jupiter accounts for 75% of the mass of the planets of – Ten months ago (on July 4, 2016), NASA’s Juno probe entered Jupiter’s orbit and flew within about 2,600 miles (4,200 kilometers) of Jupiter’s swirling cloud tops on – A second Great Spot has been discovered on Jupiter by a team of astronomers of University of Leicester. The spot is created by the powerful energies from – On January 7th, 1610, four hundred years ago, Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer and mathematician made a discovery of the four Galilean moons: Ganymede, Callisto, Io – On July 4, 2016, NASA’s Juno spacecraft will plunge into uncharted territory, entering orbit around the gas giant and passing closer than any spacecraft before. Juno – Jupiter’s atmosphere is a complex system of belts, layers, storms, and cloud systems. Using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), located in New Mexico, – Solar storms are triggering X-ray auroras on Jupiter that are about eight times brighter than normal over a large area of the planet and hundreds of times – An analysis of three published and two unpublished cuneiform tablets from the British Museum has revealed that Babylonian astronomers used geometry to calculate the motions of Jupiter – Can you guess the subject of each of these pictures? How many will you get right? Test your friends and family to see who knows their space
First version of this article was originally published on January 16, 2012 – Auroras on Earth are stunning to watch, but have you ever wondered what they – Astrophysicists at the University of Toronto have found that a close encounter with Jupiter about four billion years ago may have resulted in another planet’s ejection – Look east before sunrise in late October! Take a look out the window. Three bright planets are converging in the eastern sky–and the view is an – New movies of Jupiter are the first to catch an invisible wave shaking up one of the giant planet’s jet streams, an interaction that also takes