– Researchers deployed an underwater robot to take a closer look at a mass of tiles that sank into the seabed off Hatsushima island in Atami while being – The nail-biting maneuver that sent Japan’s Akatsuki spacecraft into orbit around Venus this week is being celebrated by NASA scientists, eager to learn more about the atmosphere – The statue Great Buddha of Nara belongs to the Todai-ji Temple located in the ancient capital of Nara, just south of Kyoto, Japan. For quite some – The Nue, is a mysterious shape-shifting creature referred to in Japanese literature since ancient times. In myths and legends, the Nue is described as a chimera. – A suspected shrine that dates back to late Edo Period (1603-1867) has been discovered by underwater archaeology research group working in the area of Lake Biwako, Japan’s – A star chart found on the ceiling in the stone chamber of the Kitora Tomb Asuka, located in Asuka, Nara Prefecture, Japan was based on celestial
A. Sutherland – – In Japanese mythology, we encounter an interesting creature known as Baku that is well-known for eating bad dreams. Baku is a talismanic figure – The intriguing Takenouchi documents reveal not only the secrets of humanity’s extraterrestrial origins, but also the history of Atlantis and location of tomb of Jesus. There
First version of this article appeared on June 16, 2014 – There are many myths and legends about strange amphibious, web-footed aquatic beings that surfaced Medieval Japan. There – Asuka, which means in Ainu, “flying birds” is one of the most historically rich places in Japan. This remarkable small village, located approximately 20 kilometers south – A few days ago we published an article about how latest sightings and events have made people worried because of a Japanese legend foretells that oarfish – Giant oarfish are very rare serpent-like creatures that live more than 3,000 feet deep underwater. Now, for the second time a huge oarfish has been discovered