A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Choquequirao (“Cradle of Gold” – Cuna de Oro” was the Inca’s last stronghold of resistance to the Spanish domain and a political, religious, and social center of
A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Catequil created thunder by striking the clouds with his sacred spear and a mighty club. This Inca deity means even more. Credit: Adobe Stock –
Conny Waters – MessageToEagle.com – Archaeologists have unearthed 15 ceremonial objects during excavations carried out in the pre-Inca ruins of the Kalasasaya Temple, Tiwanaku, located in the department
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – There are many stories of incredible ancient treasures that were deliberately hidden when the Spaniards conquered the Incas. One of these remarkable and precious
A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – In one of our latest articles, we presented Mama Ocllo, an important deity in the ancient beliefs of Inca people. Today we write
Brien Foerster – MessageToEagle.com – This is a classic photo of the ‘Lost City’ of Machu Picchu in Peru built by the Inca supposedly in the 15th century
A. Sutherland– MessageToEagle.com – Massive enigmatic remains found all over the South American continent bear witness to the fact that ten thousand years ago in the Andes, there were
Conny Waters – MessageToEagle.com – According to Inca mythology, Pachacamac was the god of fire and earthquakes and the child of the sun. Statues of Pachacamac, this god
MessageToEagle.com – Largest and best preserved ancient Inca ruins in Ecuador are located near Cuenca, in the province of Cañar, Ecuador. They are known as Ingapirca (in the
MessageToEagle.com – On Nov 16, 1532, Francisco Pizarro captured Atahualpa, the Last Emperor of the Inca Empire in the town of Cajamarca, Peru. When he arrived in Cajamarca,
MessageToEagle.com -Terrace farming was invented in South American Andes over 1,000 years ago. The Wari’ people, also known as the Pakaa Nova, an indigenous people of Brazil, as
MessageToEagle.com – Sayhuite is an intriguing ancient site in Peru. Was it once an ancient city inhabited by an unknown civilization? The site located on top of the hill
MessageToEagle.com – Scientists have discovered a gut bacteria inside 1,000-year-old Incan mummies. The bacteria is resistant to modern antibiotics even though the drugs were discovered within the last 100
MessageToEagle.com – Oral Inca traditions tell of a magical kingdom hidden deep in the Amazon jungle, east of the Andes area of Cusco, Peru. This place is called
MessageToEagle.com – High in the Andes Mountains of Peru, the Inca built a dazzling empire that governed a population of 12 million people. They had no writing system,
MessageToEagle.com – Incan Empire – that stretched for over 2000 miles from the north to the south and had a population of an estimated 10 million people – was
MessageToEagle.com – The existence of astronomical observatories in the National Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu has now been confirmed by Peruvian researchers conducting studies in conjunction with experts