![An artist's conception of an exoplanetary system, in this case around the star HD7924, that hosts two super-Earths (objects c and d in the image). Astronomers have discovered a star with three super-Earths that transit, making them prime candidates for detailed atmospheric studies. Karen Teramura & BJ Fulton, UH IfA](https://www.messagetoeagle.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/threesupoerearths11-220x162.jpg)
Three Super Earths Discovered At Distance of 100-Light-Years From Earth
March 4, 2018
MessageToEagle.com – Three small transiting planets orbiting the star GJ9827 located at the relatively close distance of 100 light-years by a team of CfA astronomers. The three exoplanets have radii
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