– In this list, we present some of the most incredible and bizarre ancient cases of mass hysteria that took place around the world. Derived from the Greek – Italy’s famous City Park of Vulci (Vulci Archaeological Naturalistic Park) north of Rome has its ancient secrets but at the same time gives the opportunity to travel – Ancient legends and myths from all across the world tell of a group of huge and strong people that co-existed with humans in the past and were – The modern European descended from the mixing at least 3, not 2, ancient populations within the last 7,000 years, according to a study published in the journal Nature. Recent – Something very strange and unexplained happened with Europeans DNA 4,000-5,000 years ago. For reasons totally unknown, the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, were suddenly replaced
Ellen Lloyd – – The story behind the construction of the temple is in some ways just as remarkable as the temples themselves. For a long time, not
Ellen Lloyd – – We live in a world full of mysteries and we often come across intriguing stories dealing with unexplained phenomenon that make us even
A. Sutherland – – Many of us are familiar with the figure of Talos through his famous depiction as a bronze giant, which made his presentation in the – A controversial Bronze Age disc known as the Nebra Sky Disc is one of the most fascinating and perhaps some would say, disputable archaeological finds of recent
Ellen Lloyd – – NOTE from the author: This is an article I wrote some years ago and I would like to share it with all readers of MessageToEagle. – The Antediluvians had technologies that matched our own; there are also serious indications that in certain areas they even possessed extraordinary knowledge, which has only hardly – Norsuntepe is located in the Keban area (modern eastern Turkey) on the Upper Euphrates, about 25 km from Elazig. The crown of the hill had an area – These enigmatic ancient stone statues, or “stone idols”, as they are often called by locals are almost unknown to the outside world. The statues, known as the – The Royston Cave Hertfordshire, England is a small circular, bell-shaped chamber cut into the chalk bedrock. Inside the cave there are several mysterious carvings that remain unexplained – A new subduction zone is forming off the coast of Portugal. The process means the beginning of a cycle that will see the Atlantic Ocean close as – A new study indicates that the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, were suddenly replaced around 4500 years ago. Scientists don’t know why. A sudden genetic – Many say they are hoaxes, but if that’s true, why are they kept in museums as valuable objects? These strange artifacts are symmetrical in design and very