– The early peopling of Australia and the continent’s subsequent population history has been a matter of scientific debate for decades. Who were the first Australians and – On 10 Sep 1984, English geneticist Alec Jeffreys discovered the technique of DNA fingerprinting, used for unique identification of humans, animals and other organisms from their – Over the course of history Britain has been invaded on a number of occasions by several ancient civilizations from various corners of the world. Many people – The mysterious death of King Albert I of Belgium in 1934 has been a controversial subject for years. Why did King Albert I really die? The official – While examining genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India, scientists have found sections of DNA that do – New archaeological discoveries sometimes give us reason to admit there are still many things we don’t know about our past. Archaeologists have discovered intriguing ancient human remains – Digital data, including videos, photos and text collected by devices is expected to hit 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020. At its current rate, the world is producing – In ancient times giant Ice Age species such as elephant-sized sloths and powerful sabre-toothed cats once roamed the windswept plains of Patagonia, southern South America. Suddenly, around 12,300 years – A 2500-year-old Phoenician dubbed the “Young Man of Byrsa” or “Ariche”, had European ancestry related to locations somewhere on the North Mediterranean coast, most probably on – During the last Ice Age that lasted until about 11,700 years ago glaciers covered huge parts of the Earth. Most of our planet was uninhabitable, but there – A recent study suggests half of the Western European population descended from an unknown Bronze Age king who lived around 4,000 years ago. Although it remains – By examining ancient DNA of 92 pre-Columbian mummies and skeletons, between 500 and 8600 years old, scientists have now confirmed the devastating impact of European – What is the human genome and how big is it? Our DNA (the famous double helix of deoxyribonucleic acid) contains all of our genes. DNA, itself – Over the past 25 years, scientists have supported the view that modern humans left Africa around 50,000 years ago, spreading to different parts of the world by – A team of geneticists from Trinity College Dublin and archaeologists from Queen’s University Belfast have sequenced the genomes of an early farmer woman, who lived near Belfast – Where and when did dogs first split off from wolves? This question has long been debated among scientists. Now a group of researchers from the Sweden’s KTH – The introduction of agriculture into Europe about 8,500 years ago changed the way people lived right down to their DNA. Now, an international team reports in Nature that researchers – An international team led by scientists in Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and Cambridge University, has, for the first time, sequenced ancient genomes from the – An ancient skeleton found face down in an Ethiopian cave has enabled scientists to sequence one of the first ancient African human genomes. The sequenced genes – Machu Picchu is located on an Andes mountain ridge some 8,000 feet above sea level in Peru. “It is breathtaking,” said Brenda Bradley, an associate professor of – Long before Columbus, did people settle the Americas once or many times? Scientists generally agree that, in the depth of the last Ice Age, when the – Isaac Newton once said that he felt “the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered” before him. Dr. Michio Kaku, a pioneer of string theory, is – The fossil skeleton of ‘Altamura Man’ imprisoned in calcite formations and found in a cave in 1993 in Puglia, Italy belongs to the species Homo neanderthalensis, – There are many misconceptions about Vikings and their lives. Vikings have gained a bad reputation for plundering villages, killing innocent people and stealing women from other