Synchronous Fireflies Create A Stunning Natural Light Show In The Smoky Mountains National Park
| – If you want to see a stunning natural light show and you have no possibility to see the Northern Lights, you can go to the Smoky Mountains where you can experience an incredible natural phenomenon known as synchronous fireflies.
Each year, tens-of-thousands of lightning bugs gather for only two weeks to put up an unforgettable light show. They flash in harmony as the entire forest alternates between light and darkness.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a United States National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site. This beautiful place is located along the border of North Carolina and Tennessee.

There are over 2,000 species of the bioluminescent beetles in the world. The light they emit, which produces no heat, is due to a chemical reaction of luciferin and oxygen and is used to attract a mate.
Synchronous fireflies (Photinus carolinus) are one of at least 19 species of fireflies that live in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. They are the only species in America whose individuals can synchronize their flashing light patterns.

The reason why you can see the light show of the synchronous fireflies for only two weeks is because it’s when they have their mating season. It takes up to two years for a larvae to mature, but the fireflies live as adults for only about 21 days. When they are adult they no longer eat.
Each species of firefly has a characteristic flash pattern that helps its male and female individuals recognize each other. Most species produce a greenish-yellow light; one species has a bluish light.

It is unknown why the fireflies flash synchronously. Competition between males may be one reason. They all want to be the first to flash. It is also possible the males all flash together so they have a better chance of being noticed, and the females can make better comparisons.
The fireflies do not always flash in unison. They may flash in waves across hillsides, and at other times will flash randomly. Synchrony occurs in short bursts that end with abrupt periods of darkness.
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It’s not possible to predict in advance when the fireflies begin to flash. It depends to some parts on temperature and soil moisture. It usually happens between late May and mid June. As the season begins, a few insects start flashing, then more join the display as the days pass. They reach a “peak” when the greatest number of insects are displaying. After peak, the numbers gradually decline each day until the mating season is over.
If you decide to go and see this wonderful natural light show, keep in mind that the dates for the 2016 firefly event will be Tuesday, May 31st through Tuesday, June 7th.