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Surtshellir Cave Reveals How Vikings Attempted To Prevent Ragnarök – Doom Of The Gods

Surtshellir Cave Reveals How Vikings Attempted To Prevent Ragnarök - Doom Of The Gods

Ellen Lloyd – –  Vikings were very superstitious and convinced higher powers guided their lives. Norse gods and goddesses, mysterious animals, and supernatural creatures played an important role in the lives of the Vikings. Special signs could be interpreted as advice on warfare or where the ships should sail.

A scene from the last phase of Ragnarök, after Surtr has engulfed the world with fire by Emil Doepler, 1905. Credit: Public Domain

One event Vikings feared most was Ragnarök, the Doom of the Gods. According to Norse mythology, Ragnarök is the coming destruction of the world. It is also the final battle between the Jotuns and Aesirs. From the Eddas, two 13th-century Icelandic manuscripts recognized as the main sources of Norse mythology and Skaldic poetry, we learn the world will “be destroyed by fire and water, with steam and flames reaching high heavens.” 1

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