Sumerian City Of Girsu: Political, Religious Center With Large Archive Of Thousands Of Cuneiform Tablets

A. Sutherland – – Modern Tello (Telloh) was an ancient Sumerian city of Girsu, located between the Tigris and Euphrates and about 20-25 kilometers north-northwest of Lagash in southern Mesopotamia (now southern Iraq).

Sumerian City Of Girsu: Political, Religious Center With Large Archive Of Thousands Of Cuneiform Tablets

Bull statuette (human-headed) dated to about 2120 BC from ancient city of Girsu. Sumer. Height 11.8 cm (4.5 inches), width 8cm (3 inches, Depth 7.7 cm (3 iches). Image credit: Louvre, Paris

Today, the site is marked by several mounds, about 0.9 miles in diameter. Once, Girsu was a part of the Lagash city state. It was an important Sumerian city with many temples devoted to Ningirsu, chief god of Lagash; it served as the capital during the reign of Gudea in the 22nd century B.C.

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