Script On Gradeshnitsa Tablets May Pre-Date Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Ellen Lloyd – – Can the nearly 7,000-year-old Gradeshnitsa Tablets offer evidence of one of the world’s oldest human writing? Are the carved signs and symbols on the tablets merely decorations or an unknown ancient language?

Script On Gradeshnitsa Tablets May Pre-Date Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Monument for the Neolithic Tărtăria tablets , dated to 5500-5300 BC and discovered in 1961 at Tărtăria , Alba County, Romania by the archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa . The clay tables are associated with the Turdaş-Vinča culture and the Vinča symbols on them predate the proto- Sumerian pictographic script. The monument has been created near the discovery location. Monument near the site. Translation of the inscription: Tărtăria 5500 BC: The first written message in human history. Image credit: Țetcu Mircea Rareș  – CC BY-SA 3.0

Those who examined the Gradeshnitsa tablets concluded the engravings were identical to the hieroglyphic script found on ancient Egyptian tablets and pyramid texts.

The most controversial theory suggests the Gradeshnitsa tablets from Old Europe predate Egyptian hieroglyphs by at least two millennia! Did ancient Egyptian inherit the knowledge of hieroglyphs from ancient European civilizations?

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