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Scipio Africanus – Rome’s Greatest General Who Defeated Unbeatable Hannibal

Scipio Africanus - Rome's Greatest General Who Defeated Unbeatable Hannibal

Angela Sutherland – – Scipio Africanus, Publius Cornelius – (237-183 BC) was a Roman general and the greatest of the famous Roman family of the Scipios, aristocrats, and militaries that commanded armies.

Scipio Africanus - Rome's Greatest General Who Defeated Unbeatable Hannibal

In this painting by Tiepolo, Scipio Africanus is shown releasing the nephew of the Prince of Numidia after he was captured by Roman soldiers. The Walters Art Museum. Image credit: Giovanni Battista TiepoloPublic Domain

He was a man of great intellect and culture; often harsh and arrogant to his political opponents, otherwise towards others, he was a kind and sympathetic person.

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