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Rare Gothic Boxwood Miniatures – Precious Marvel Of Human Ingenuity

Jan Bartek – – Among the most fascinating, magnificent and technically accomplished objects made during the late Middle Ages is a group of microscopically intricate small sculptures in boxwood.

One look at these incredible Gothic boxwood miniatures is enough to say they are an astonishingly beautiful piece of art.

These tiny, 500-year-old boxwood carvings are a marvel of human ingenuity. It’s a startling accomplishment that required patience, artistic skills and the production process still baffles scientists.

The boxwood miniatures were very popular before the Reformation in Europe. Credit: Ago

Some details made on these objects are tinier than grass seed, and our human eyes cannot analyze all details of the carvings.

Scientists spent more than four years studying these delicate and beautiful objects that are so small they can fit in the palm of your hand.

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