Pytheas’s Voyage To The Arctic In 325 B.C. And Account Of Thule, The Strange Land Beyond

Jan Bartek – – Who was the first explorer to visit the Arctic? That is a question one cannot answer quickly. The lack of historical references dealing with early Arctic exploration and difficulties interpreting early maps and accounts of voyages pose a challenge to our understanding of the historical period during which explorers reached the region north of the Arctic Circle.

Also, exploring dangerous territories like the Arctic may end with death. There could have been many people who traveled to the Arctic but never survived to tell their story.

Pytheas's Voyage To The Arctic In 325 B.C. And Account Of Thule, The Strange Land Beyond

Pytheas of Massalia (350 B.C. – 285 B.C.) described his voyage to the Arctic in a work that has not survived. Can his claims be substantiated?

He also reported of a strange land in the North that is today referred to as Thule. Where could this mysterious land be located?

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