Princess Ukok Cannot Be Re-Buried – Locals Think She Is Cursed
| – The belief in the power of curses is still very much alive among some people. The tattooed 2,500-year-old Siberian princess Ukok still cannot find a last resting place because locals are convinced she is cursed.
Discovered in a permafrost burial chamber on the high Ukok Plateau in the Altai Mountains in 1993, the “Altai princess” has long puzzled scientists.
Studies of her remains revealed sophisticated tattoos of ‘great artistry’ featuring images of fantastical creatures. Her tattoos are said to be best-preserved, and most elaborate, ancient art ever found.
Experts also discovered clothing and headdresses, a make-up bag, and a stash of cannabis in her tomb.
Princess Ukok has been dubbed one of the most important archeological finds of the past century.

The life, death and identity of the Altai princess have long been considered a true mystery, but scientists have been able to solve some the ancient puzzles and reveal more information about this enigmatic woman. She was around 20 years old and she became ill with breast cancer.
Scans revealed she suffered from an infection of the bone or bone marrow known as osteomyelitis, during childhood, and later from injuries consistent with falling from a horse.
Her true identity is still a puzzle.
Local shamans say she was Ochi-Balam, the ancestress of the Altai people.
The Siberian Ice Maiden, as she is often called by English-speaking scientists is currently kept at the A.V. Anokhin National Museum in Gorno-Altaysk in a mausoleum-like complex.

A judge in Russia’s southeastern Altai republic has now ruled that the mummy should not be reburied as requested by local council elders, who believe she is cursed.
Locals say that natural disasters have become more frequent in the area since she was removed from her tomb, whose gate they believe shut out the underworld. They say that the absence of their guardian may have been the cause of an earthquake in 2003, record floods in 2014, and other disasters.

“These relics should be reburied as they have physical influence on the indigenous community. Otherwise the whole community is in danger of extinction,” said an official advocating the wishes of a group of local residents, who share these beliefs.
A council of elders voted to bury the mummy in August. However, the staff of the museum in which she is preserved has argued that her burial would be a great loss for science.

A statement of claim against the museum requesting that it be ordered to rebury the mummy was filed in a court in December of 2015. However, local judge Anton Zavgorodniy ruled against the local people’s request last Wednesday. The court has not yet explained its decision.
See also:
This Is What The Siberian Princess Ukok Looked Like In Real Life
2,500 Year-Old Tattoos Discovered On Ancient Mummy Princess Ukok
Siberia’s Giant Hanging Rock And Its Ancient Legend Of World Changes
It is not the first time we see how superstitions in Siberia rule the daily life of people.
The Hanging Rock in the Western Sayan Mountains, Siberia is also linked to an ancient legend of forthcoming disasters. Not long ago, a giant crack was discovered in the giant boulder known as the Hanging Rock.

Now, many superstitious people fear that a crack may unleash an ancient legend linked to coming world changes.
According to the locals’ beliefs and traditions, peace and order is maintained by age-old warrior Sleeping Sayan, the Master of the Taiga, it is believed. The falling of the rock will signal that this slumbering giant has awoken from an eternal sleep to defend her motherland (Sleeping Sayan is seen as female). The splash from the rock crashing into the lake below will wash this mystical female warrior’s face, and launch a new epoch, with the beginning of new life.
What will happen with the Hanging Rock and Princess Ukok is still unclear.
Will princess Ukok finally find a last resting place, or will she remain preserved at the A.V. Anokhin National Museum in Gorno-Altaysk? Only time can tell.
As we have seen, the belief in the power of curses is surprisingly common worldwide, even today.
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