Prince Vseslav The Sorcerer And Werewolf – The Most Famous Ruler Of Polotsk

Ellen Lloyd – – Born around 1029 in Belarus, Prince Vseslav was an intriguing individual who became a famous ruler of Polotsk and Grand Prince of Kiev in 1068–1069.

Prince Vseslav’s Supernatural Powers

Nicknamed Prince Vseslav the Sorcerer, the man was credited with having supernatural powers. His successful struggles to achieve goals gave rise to a legend that he had been born with a magical and enchanting birthmark on his head.

Prince Vseslav The Sorcerer And Werewolf - The Most Famous Ruler Of Polotsk

Vseslav of Polotsk. Painting by Belarusian painter Jazep Drazdovic (1923). Credit: Public Domain

The rumor that he always wore a headband that covered the mark added more credibility to these unusual stories. Even more incredible accounts tell Prince Vseslav of Polotsk was a werewolf capable of moving at superhuman speeds.

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