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Prehistoric Legacy Of The Mysterious Burnt City


A. Sutherland – –  Millennia ago, the Burnt City (Shahr-e Soukhteh) located in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan and bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan, was the largest city of Iran.

The history of the Burnt City, spanning over a 300,000-hectare area and its inhabitants has long baffled researchers.

Prehistoric Legacy Of The Mysterious Burnt City

Recently, archaeologists discovered an ancient grave of a 40-year old wealthy woman, containing 112 artifacts in the city, and the grave dates back to 4,600 years. has been discovered in the Burnt City and earlier, an Italian team had excavated 220 graves in the area, with three types of graves including simple ditches, ditches with two sections, and burial crypts.

“A grave of 32- year-old man and his 10-year-old child, containing 112 relics, was discovered in the Burnt City in 1998,” Mansour Seyyed Sajjadi, head of the Burnt City’s Excavation Team informed. Archaeologists and genetic specialists have conducted extensive studies on the ancient graves, the skeletons and a number of containers resembling collyrium box, colorful jars, and pieces of textile materials have been found near the skeleton.

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