Prehistoric Heavy Machinery Of The Ancient Times Or Just A Piece Of Jewellery?
| – Ancient societies had access to high technology and as an example that could support this assumption, we now mention an interesting gold object that was unearthed in Panama in the 1920s.
At first, the object known as a “dozer” or zoomorphic pendant from Panama got very little attention. It was dismissed as nothing more than yet another model of jaguar.
A short time later, though, it was proposed that this could be a design for a heavy machine for construction purposes, for example a kind of excavator vehicle similar to a steam shovel.
Let us assume for a moment that the object depicts an animal. But why is it so extremely flat and angular? The tail of the jaguar seem to be exceptionally strong and equipped with two large notched wheels at its end.
Now, take a look at the jaguar’s claws. They are bent at unusual angles running directly below the animal’s body and bound together on the upper side.

This artifact is only four and a half inches long, however, it is covered with diverse mechanical devices.
With its claws and legs (“the shovel”) and a chain mechanism, which is attached to the gear-like wheels at its end, this “prehistoric” machine – if constructed on a large scale – could have been used as a terrain excavator.

As described by David Hatcher Childress in his book “Technology of the Gods“, the zoomorphic gold and “emerald” pendant from Coclé on the south coast of Panama: (a) hung as a pendant; (b) as seen from above, “squared-off,” with “mudguards” hanging down, and possible riding wheels indicated; (c) object as from a photograph taken in the University Museum of Philadelphia;

(d) the same, rectified for lateral view, also “squared-off” and with wheels added; (e) a modern back-hoe with dozer-bucket scoop as front attachment.”
Was the zoomorphic pendant from Panama created as a reminder of what the ancients once saw?
You can decide for yourself what it looks like.
The object is currently in the University Museum of Philadelphia.
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