Parallel Realities And Timelines – How Do They Affect The Earth And Our Lives?
|Carlos Tavares – – So what is up with the timelines?
There has been a lot of recent prophecy and remote viewing that has not come to pass!
In quantum physics all potentials exist. Basically if you can think it then there is a reality that corresponds to that thinking.
The one with the highest probability is normally the one that we get to see, us the observer that collapses that reality into what is perceived as matter.
Parallel realities/universes or dimensions are the same. So the question is where is the focus of the observer at, even it the observer is a collective as an entire civilization of seven billion people, mostly unaware that they are having the power to collapse potentials.

This brings in the other “player” in this “cosmic game”, the prophet, oracle or remote-viewer.
It has been said that in the days of old that prophets were actually trained to see the future just like anybody nowadays can learn remote view. But they were doing this specifically with the knowledge that if what was foreseen was undesirable that they could tell their prophecy or prediction with the intent and knowledge that it could be changed.
Taking this back to quantum physics, if the scientists or observer is expecting a certain outcome to his experiment then that in itself has a large impact on the final results, increasing that potential of that particular probability to manifest from the quantum field, from his “desired or expected expectation”.
Going back to the “large” again, just knowing the future or becoming aware of its specific probability already affects that specific future or timeline, even if nothing more is done about it.
Think of all the parallel timelines or universes running side by side, like railway line tracks and you, been the “train” on one of these tracks.

Each track has a specific destination (or outcome), so by changing tracks you can change your destination or timeline or destiny.
This can be done at any time on your journey or during your life.
What if at certain “times” during your railway journey you come across major intersections points, where there are more options or forks to choose from, more than normal. Well maybe this whole 2012 thing is such a junction!
Back to the prophet. A true prophet will always say before his start to tell the future, “AS IS SEEN RIGHT NOW”……..
So he will tell the future of the present timeline with all the factors and players involved as seen at this moment without in further input. (Input could come from the past, present, future, from this or other dimensions of consciousness, from ourselves or others, or from other forces that we may perceive a s divine intervention, from our perspective. A very dynamic system) .So as is seen right now such and such will happen! But that in itself is already changing the future, the knowledge thereof, with or without conscious intent.
Ok, so let us look at the effect on our personal consciousness when we hear of a specific major future remote view like for example a massive earthquake. People generally retract and resist, mostly due to fear, as they do not want this event to occur. (Consciousness withdraws with fear but expands with love!) So this too is having an impact on that specific potential, to a certain degree minimizing its outcome, or even helping to change the outcome of the event completely.
So often then the greatest of all prophets and “see-ers” are called frauds because their predictions did not come true, but in the greater scheme of things they were the most successful as the “mission” to change the timelines was accomplish.
Because of knowing this future potential we often consciously or unconsciously/subconsciously do even the smallest of things differently and that can be like a “butterfly effect” that ends up changing all the events that follow.
Does that mean that event did not happen, NO! It did happen on the original timeline but our train/us changed tracks, so we got to experience a different reality. The focus of the observer changed.
Sometimes that event is delayed or postponed, but that in itself is a change in timelines, sometimes it is completely changed to something else.
So let’s take this further! Mostly people with limited understanding do not want certain Earth Changes events to happen. But we must see the bigger picture at play here from mother Earth’s point of view and from a greater expansion of consciousness/growth point of view.
Our planet was on a fast track to total destruction and species extinction. This whole human civilization experiment on our Earth has been a failure.
Humans are totally destroying this planet in everyway. Even sitting back and doing nothing to help the situation is a major part of the problem.
All been part of the problem and not the solution! This reality is closing in on itself. There are many different reasons for this. Generally humanity has lost its caring and understanding of nature in a world ruled by greed, power, manipulation and control.
A world that has become totally unbalanced. There are also other forces driving all the destruction and chaos, forces that are both extra-terrestrial and dimensional. All with their ulterior motives and agendas. Often directly feeding off of the specific energies that all of this chaos creates, especially dimensionally.

This planet or programme needs to be “reset”. The earth needs to be put onto a timeline of greater potential, where consciousness itself can once again grow and explore without certain manipulation, control and planetary and species destruction.
If we remove DEATH from the equation, then everything is immediately easier to understand.
Most of the population has a great fear of death. But death is not death as believed by most; it is merely the end of a specific programme, personality or ego. The spirit is eternal, entering specific programmes for that specific experience in the “cosmic holographic computer”, exactly like when we play a video game on our computers.
So if our “video game” was faulty or totally corrupted then we would simply start again or reboot, as the old programme would not “take” you very far. So let’s think purely logical and apply the same to our earth/human situation! TIME FOR A REBOOT!
With all the so called “negative” forces at work here, nature, our Earth and its Earth Changes is the one ally we have that can actually stand up to all this human destruction and in itself changes the timelines to a more free and expanding potential. Nature’s consciousness is our ally and is of such a frequency that no government, elite, ET, or lower dimensional being can stop it. (Thank GOD!)
It is ever growing, changing and expanding and now needs to get over this little bump on its journey, which is mostly US
So what if millions of people die! If that is what it takes to get us growing in consciousness, then so be it. Even it means that we need to re-incarnate again into a greater potential. TIME TO GET A DEEPER SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING TO THIS!
One final comment totally related to all of this, which is the so called “Divine Intervention”.
See also:
- Are Some Of Our Dreams Glimpses From A Parallel Universe?
- Death Is Just An Illusion: We Continue To Live In A Parallel Universe
- Can Parallel Universes Explain The Déjà Vu Phenomenon?
There exist beings with the power to instantly change all of this reality and predicament that we are in. Some may call them “angels” but that is a very limited understanding. Generally the higher beings do not interfere in experiences of other divines beings, but ever so often it does happen. Especially when such intervention leads to a greater outcome for all, especially the expansion of total consciousness and GOD’s mind. Events may be held back to give time for truly sincere beings to do something about it and in turn become part of the solution. Time to prepare, learn and focus on greater potentials, where ultimately the power is once again with the individual to create a greater reality, through sovereignty, knowledge and understanding! The intervention is done with the purpose to find the outcome with a greater or greatest potential.
Let’s not forget why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the “Gods”, it was done to reboot the system, to give those souls once again the opportunity to be on a journey of expansion, exploration and spiritual evolution!
Have the timelines been changing? I would think that we have changed tracks quite a few times, especially over the last few years, towards greater potentials. So let’s not stop now as this is a natural way of being!
First version of this article was published on Feb 10, 2014
Written by Carlos Tavares – Contributor
Copyright © & Carlos Taveres All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of and Carlos Taveres