– In the future you will only need to think your password, instead of typing your password, according to researchers at the UC Berkeley School of Information. Their new study explores – The g-tummo meditative practice controls “inner energy” and is considered by Tibetan practitioners as one of the most sacred spiritual practices in the region. Monasteries maintaining g-tummo – Could this stone be the first meteorite from Mercury ever found? Early in 2012, someone in Southern Morocco picked up 35 greenish stones, including the one shown – We say that time flies, it marches on, it flows like a river—our descriptions of time are closely linked to our experiences of moving through space. – Using data from an aging NASA spacecraft, researchers have found signs of an energy source in the solar wind that has caught the attention of fusion researchers. – “The burden of sleepwalking in adults needs to be highlighted and emphasized,” scientists say. Sleepwalking is a phenomenon that occurs during deep sleep phase. This remarkable condition – Extensive and fascinating biological material is hidden in caves under the Nullarbor Plain, Australia. Unusual aquatic microbial formations in endless flooded passages of cave systems in the – From the popularity of violent video games to the skyrocketing appeal of the zombie thriller TV show The Walking Dead, it seems like everyone is talking – – A fifth elementary force of nature named hypercharge, may oppose the force of gravity. It’s phenomenon that fascinate modern physicists. In a breakthrough for the field of particle – This controversial ancient manuscript is not hoax says a famous Professor who is convinced he has solved the Voynich manuscript mystery. Many attempts have been made – Based the details of last year’s discovery of the Higgs boson particle, scientists make a statement that the universe we live in has a limited life span – Located near Still Bay in the southern Cape, South Africa there is a mysterious cave in a limestone cliff. Its name is Blombos Cave and scientists believe – What do plants and humans have in common? Actually, more than most people realize. Plants possess a number of amazing properties and they can “behave” similar to – Most of us struggle with our memory and we keep writing small notes so we don’t forget appointments, phone calls and everything important that we must do. – A century ago, one of the most spectacular astronomical sights ever recorded lit up the skies when a grand procession of meteors blazed their way through the – New research suggests that being lonely has the potential to harm overall health. Researchers found that people who were more lonely showed signs of elevated latent herpes – Using a supercomputer and other calculations, researchers have discovered that there are striking similarities between the unknown laws that govern the Universe and human brain. Could this – Many think this young girl has supernatural abilities and scientists are puzzled by what she has accomplished so far. She is now being called a global scientific – Archaeologists conduct excavations in the vicinity of Ein Gedi, located west of the Dead Sea, near Masada and the caves of Qumran, under the guidance of Dr. – Rare evidence of the religious practices and rituals in the early days of the Kingdom of Judah has recently been discovered at Tel Motza, to the west – Hidden in the middle of the jungle, archaeologists are trying to uncover ancient secrets of Ciudad Perdida, the Lost City. It is a place that has remained – Vega is a star astronomers have used as a touchstone to measure other stars’ brightness for thousands of years. Vega is the fifth brightest star in the – An Australian anthropologist has used forensic facial reconstruction techniques to show, for the first time, how the mysterious Flores ‘hobbit’ might have once looked. Homo floresiensis, as – A decade ago, a British philosopher put forth the notion that the universe we live in might in fact be a computer simulation run by our descendants.