– If you are into science fiction then you are most likely interested in time travel. The idea that we could visit the past or the future is – Archaeologists in Sweden have made an astounding discovery unearthing 29 ancient figurines of gold men (“guldgubbar”) dating back to the Iron Age. Working in great secrecy, archaeologists – Researchers at Göttingen University have recently discovered new – yet unexplored – manuscripts from medieval times. Written on parchments, the documents feature texts by Euripides (c. 480 – Miroslaw Magola says he possess the extraordinary ability to magnetize objects and make them stick to his body. The 55-year-old, who wants to demonstrate his powers, says – Evidence of complex microbial ecosystems dating back almost 3.5 billion years has been found in Western Australia’sPilbara region by an international team including UWA Research Assistant – Among many sea monsters of Norse myths and legends, there is Kraken that frightened sailors and was powerful enough to overturn ships and drag them down into – Archaeologists have made yet another incredible discovery. When experts opened a 300 year-old coffin they found perfectly preserved body! The tomb was unearthed on October 10, 2013 – A few days ago we published an article about how latest sightings and events have made people worried because of a Japanese legend foretells that oarfish – Giant oarfish are very rare serpent-like creatures that live more than 3,000 feet deep underwater. Now, for the second time a huge oarfish has been discovered – Ancient human relatives — the Denisovans crossed the famous Wallace’s Line, one of the world’s biggest biogeographic barriers which is formed by a powerful marine current along – Located in in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia, Lake Titicaca is the largest lake in South America. There are many tales about – Three ancient river systems, now buried, may have created viable routes for human migration across the Sahara to the Mediterranean region about 100,000 years ago, according – There may be certain technologies that might pose “extinction-level” risks to our species, from biotechnology to artificial intelligence, according to a team of scientists who propose – A new study provides evidence that aging works through a special set of genes that everyone has – the rDNA genes. “This work is exciting because it
A. Sutherland – – The captivating idea that we might be living in 3 dimensional holographic simulation has been put forward by various scientists. We will explore – Does the sight of soap bubbles, aerated chocolate or a lotus flower seed pod bring you out in a cold sweat and give you afeeling associated with panic attacks? – Scientists have discovered the oldest surviving engraved globeto show the New World. The finding – carved onto ostrich eggs – dates back to the early 1500s. The previously-unknown – We know they are out there, but what do they look like? That question has intrigued many scientists over the years and there are those who believe – Summer is not yet over, but this does not prevent strange snow for showing up in some parts of the world. Residents in Karaghanda, Kazakhstan witnessed extraordinary – North America’s petroglyphs at the Winnemucca Lake are the oldest known. Cut into several boulders in western Nevada, these petroglyphs date to at least 10,500 years ago
Ellen Lloyd – – We have previously discussed the possibility that super aliens may already live inside supermassive black holes, a theory that was put forward by Russian cosmologist – Many people complain about poor sleep around the full moon and for the first time ever scientists can offer evidence the lunar cycle does affect human sleep. – “How can we help someone so powerful they can create water out of thin air?” an astonished Jabin yells in Star Trek’s Caretaker. If you are a – If there is a large fleet of extraterrestrial probes watching our galaxy, the Milky Way would we even be able to detect them? What reasons could – Scientists keep speculating what humans will look like in the distant future. If we will survive as a species our physiology will change. The question is