– We always say there is a little bit of truth in every myth and legend. For years, the inhabitants of Puebla have told stories about a – This time our quest for the hidden history of mankind takes us to Peru where we encounter an enigmatic inscription that offers evidence Sumerians crossed the ocean – This cuneiform ancient map of the Babylonian world is an archeological treasure equal to the Rosetta Stone and the code of Hammurabi. It probably originates from – Scientific curiosity knows no limits. Scientists who discovered a prehistoric virus called Mollivirus sibericum in the Siberian permafrost plan to give the virus its first wakeup call – Have you ever wished you could just say ”Beam me up Scotty” and quickly teleport from one place to another? Unfortunately, human teleportation remains in the – The “Map of the Creator” is a puzzling artifact that has caused much controversy in the scientific community. Several years ago, in 1999, a team of Russian – The Sumerian texts state that “When Kingship was lowered from Heaven” after the Deluge, “Kingship was in Eridu.” Eridu was situated astride the Thirtieth Parallel as – More and more evidence confirm a very brave thesis, that it is the Balkan Peninsula, rather than ancient Mesopotamia that is the cradle of our civilization. – These alien-looking figures are truly extraordinary in their appearances. They can be found primarily on Ambrym, Malakula, and neighboring islands. Ambrym, a volcanic island in Malampa – Among many customs in Tibet none has attracted so much attention than the use of human skulls and other bones both for practical purposes and in religious
A. Sutherland – – Ancient legends of a powerful serpent race have persisted in records of humanity from the beginning. They have played an immensely important role in – Brace for impact! Scientists have just announced they have captured the first image of a living extraterrestrial entity! Make no mistake about it. These beings do not – The Ishtar Gate was constructed by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II circa 575 BC. This enormous burnt-brick entryway was located over the main thoroughfare in the – The quest for Britain’s Atlantis continues. A new scientific study conducted beneath North Sea could now revolutionize how we see the past. Archaeologists are searching for – Mysterious, gigantic jar-like artifacts were found in several places around the world and their origins remain obscure. For what purpose were they created and by whom? What – Sobek (also spelled Sebek, in Greek ‘Suchos’) was in ancient Egyptian religion, a god of the violent power embodied in crocodiles and his chief sanctuary, located in Faiyum
Ellen Lloyd – – The quest for extraterrestrial life continues. This time our journey takes us straight into the heart of a postbiological Universe where time no – The remarkable Megalithic Mzora (Msoura) stone circle is very difficult to locate and there is little information that could cast some light over its true origins – This is a partial aerial view of the Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt. Karnak is one of the largest temple complexes in the world. This magnificent place has – Many people that have heard or studied about the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greek culture are unaware that under the Temple of Apollo two fault lines – Who was this mysterious odd-looking ancient creature? Was he an ancestor, a god, an actor, a myth, a legend or a fantasy? Whoever he was, he – The possibility of time travel has fascinated mankind for ages. We are all familiar with the concept of the time machine, from H.G. Wells to current sci-fi writers, – Scientists have successfully deciphered a 1,300-year-old Egyptian spell book, but there are still many unanswered questions. We do not know the true origin of the book.