– Is time travel possible? Can we send messages back in time? Can we talk to our future selves? These are questions that have been widely debated – A new wild conspiracy theory suggests that the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could be responsible for drawing an asteroid that could destroy the planet towards – Our modern society is proud of recent scientific advances and incredible technological breakthroughs. We have undoubtedly come a long way, and we hear almost every day – Many fascinating archaeological findings have been reported by Polish archaeologists excavating at Old Dongola, the capital of a lost medieval kingdom that flourished in the Nile Valley. – The story of Li Ching-Yuen is shrouded in controversy. Although much has been written about this extraordinary and mysterious being, little is still known about his true – Remnants of this land mass still exist in Russia, the US, Canada and Greenland, says groundbreaking new research. The modern Arctic, unlike the Antarctic, has no – An ancient ziggurat called Aqar Quf, largely abandoned after the fall of the Kassite dynasty in 1170 was briefly inhabited during Neo-Babylonian period (626-539 BC). Aqar
Ellen Lloyd – – Nicholas of Cusa, also known as Nicolaus Cusanus, Nicholas of Kues and Nicolaus Krebs, was a man who wasn’t afraid of speaking his mind – The skeletal remains of a man thought to have been slashed to death were discovered entangled in the roots of a tree that blew over during – 300 astronauts the Igigi (“they who turn and see”) – the gods of the younger generation – were the Annunaki’s servants, given the task of digging – Would you like to live forever? What do you think about the idea that your conscious mind will be uploaded into a hologram? How far should – This zoomorph is among many masterpieces of ancient art that are located at the Maya site of Quiriguá, Guatemala. A “zoomorph” is a term often used
A. Sutherland – – From about 700 to 300 BC one particular group of migratory peoples, identified as Scythians by the Greeks, suddenly appeared on the Eurasian – Could this be the true location of Alexander the Great’s grave? The location of the cave is being kept secret by the Jordanian government. There are – Mount Roraima is located on a high plateau at the junction of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyan. Some people believe it’s a natural but rather unusual work
Gregg Prescott, M.S. – – Something is happening to every planet in our galaxy and at this point in time, no one is sure WHY it’s happening. – Yungang Grottoes is a stone carving treasure that is renowned all around the world. Richly decorated grottoes, known as Wuzhoushan Grottoes in ancient times, are located – Perhaps it is a way to change our world for the better. Scientists have developed a mathematical equation that could predict a number of future disasters threatening – The mysterious stone figures known as Inukshuk can be found throughout far northern areas of Alaska, Canada, Siberia, and Greenland. Inukshuk, the singular of inuksuit, means “in the likeness
A. Sutherland – – Among the numerous deities of the Slavic peoples of central Europe, the most prominent place was occupied by Svantevit, the war god also
A. Sutherland – – What happens to us when our lives end on Earth? It is one of many questions that people around the world have pondered – When people are spoken of constantly, we feel we know them. Christians and Jews have been talking about Moses for thousands of years, so they assume they– This is a very curious artifact depicting a reptilian-shaped creature, sitting at the helm and riding an unknown vehicle of some kind. Is it a depiction of – The Olmec developed an iconic and sophisticated artistic style as early as the second millennium BC. This civilization is best known for the creation of colossal – We always say there is a little bit of truth in every myth and legend. For years, the inhabitants of Puebla have told stories about a