– Memories of sky gods traversing the ancient skies have been preserved in myths, legends and oral lore in almost every culture around the world. People inhabiting
First version of this article was originally published on October 16, 2014 – Prehistoric paintings found across the world provide a lasting evidence that early people engaged – A two-year meticulous investigation into the mystery of an Edinburgh crypt has finally cast important new light on the turbulent and little-known history of the Dark – NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has returned the best color and the highest resolution images yet of Pluto’s largest moon, Charon – and these pictures show a – A recently launched project that is performing CAT scans on the remains of Pompeii victims contained within plaster casts has revealed that good health was widespread – Dighton Rock was the subject of intense debate, curiosity and wonder for centuries. It’s a rock with a mysterious past we are unable to decipher. Its – One of the most representative archaeological places of Colombia is Tierradentro, the National Archaeological Park located in the municipality of Inzá, Department of Cauca, Colombia. The
Brien Foerster – – The Sanctuary of Panoias in the Vila Real region is situated in the northeast interior of Portugal and stands at an average altitude – During the press conference held Thursday at the State Information Authority in Heliopolis, archaeologist Nicholas Reeves announced that the gold funerary mask belonging to the boy – 60 million years ago, two asteroids struck Earth in what is now Sweden. It is the only proven example of such a double strike. The only – The Viking Age (ca. 800 to 1050) was a time of increased contact with other countries. People from Scandinavia plundered and traded in foreign countries. They brought
First version of this article was originally published on July 26, 2014 – Now, it’s time to take a look at the next architectural wonder of India – – Machu Picchu is located on an Andes mountain ridge some 8,000 feet above sea level in Peru. “It is breathtaking,” said Brenda Bradley, an associate professor of – Over the past 300 years, extremely well-preserved human bodies have been discovered in several desolate peat bogs of Britain, Ireland, Netherlands and Denmark. Most of these – If you want to experience an alien landscape it is not necessary to travel to another planet. In fact, there are places on Earth where the landscape
A. Sutherland – – Civilization in Ancient Egypt means not only tombs and pyramids but also all aspects of human life. Prehistoric physicians in Egypt had an
First version of this article was originally published August 17, 2014 – In every corner of the world we come across fascinating ancient mysteries that encourage us to – There is water on Mars, according to new findings delivered by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It flows across the surface of the Red Planet from – There was once a mysterious European culture, which left a legacy in form of valuable artifacts covered with an unknown, never successfully deciphered script. These artifacts – London, Paris and New York are global cities: modern hubs for travel, technology and trade, their names and images echo around the globe, capturing our imaginations – Workmen called in police and archeologists after discovery of the remains of the ancient people. One was buried with a knife and buckle. Archeologists are still
Ellen Lloyd – – There was something magical about the sound of his pipe. It had a strange effect on the 130 children who followed him into – The 1st century AD inscription printed on an ancient clay vessel in an ancient Thracian burial mound near the town of Tatarevo in Southern Bulgaria is – Ornate ancient Thracian marble steles from a Thracian shrine dedicated to the sun have been restored with a permanent open-air exhibition of replicas of the steles. The – Underwater archaeologists have returned to the ancient shipwreck of Antikythera to learn more about its luxurious and extravagant artefacts. During the latest dive experts spent a total of