– The world below us is in many cases just as interesting as the ground we walk on. Across the Europe there are thousands of underground tunnels – Many consider nanotechnology to be the solution to most of our world’s problems. There are without doubt many advantages of nanotechnology, but there are also disadvantages that – Ancient Egypt: land of the Pharaohs, where kings were worshipped as gods and slaves laboured to construct lavish pyramids to entomb their rulers’ mummified remains. It is – Robotic spacecraft may ride the solar wind toward interstellar space at unprecedented speeds a decade or so from now. Researchers are developing an “electric sail” (e-sail) propulsion – Take a look at a photo captured by MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aboard NASA’s Terra satellite. The instrument captured this scene on November 5, 2015. We see cloudy – An international team of researchers has analyzed DNA of two molars from Siberia’s Denisova Caves and uncovered new information that undoubtedly sheds light on the origins of – A horde of previously hidden massive galaxies that existed when the Universe was in its infancy has been discovered by astronomers using ESO’s VISTA survey telescope. By discovering – Another beautiful, ancient and detailed mosaic is uncovered in the Neve Yerek neighbourhood of Lod, and is ready to be displayed to the public this week. A – Solar flares are massive explosions of energy in the Sun’s atmosphere. Experts have warned that even a single ‘monster’ solar flare could cause up to $2 trillion – Remains of a late Byzantine period village dating to the 6th and 7th centuries have been excavated in Netivot, Negev. One of the most impressive finds – There are many reasons why we should treat ancient wisdom seriously. We have often seen that our ancestors possessed knowledge our modern society is still trying – The underground city of Nushabad, known as Ouyi to locals is located 8 km north of Kashan in Esfahan province, central Iran. It’s a truly fascinating ancient place. – It is one of the world’s most extreme specialized laboratories. Most of us do not know what silence really is, but Orfield Laboratories Inc., Minnesota, USA has – During an unprecedented 1-year mission to the International Space Station, scientists are studying how astronauts’ bodies respond to long-duration space travel. The human body is incredibly complex. – Archaeologists working at the ruins of Khirbet el-Eika this summer, a site west of the Sea of Galilee, discovered a Hellenistic bronze incense shovel that might help – Chinese archaeologists have unearthed a portrait of Confucius from a tomb that is at least 2,000 years old. After they pieced together a broken lacquer screen found in – Using a novel technique, astronomers have detected thousands of stellar “pulses” in the elliptical galaxy Messier 87 (M87), located 53 million light-years from Earth in the constellation – An international team led by scientists in Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and Cambridge University, has, for the first time, sequenced ancient genomes from the – The last time we could catch a glimpse of the ancient underwater forest of New Hampshire was in 2010. These ancient trees emerge only during rare – One glance at the giant hand is enough to recognize it was once part of a true masterpiece created by ancient builders. The hand belonged most – New Horizons scientists present Pluto in beautiful rainbow colors. This false color image of Pluto was possible to obtain by using a technique called “principal component analysis” – The Nue, is a mysterious shape-shifting creature referred to in Japanese literature since ancient times. In myths and legends, the Nue is described as a chimera. – The Sacred City of Caral age is comparable to the early civilizations that originated the world such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and Mesoamerica. Impressive pyramids that rise high above – Exoplanets give incredibly interesting insights about the conditions and weather patterns in different planetary systems. One such exoplanet is HD 189733b, which is among the most studied – Archaeologists keep delivering new exciting and surprising discoveries. This time scientists excavating in Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh, India stumbled upon two biggest Buddha padhas. The Buddhist site,