– Sometimes when we admire the world around us it feels almost as if nature is having fun on our behalf. Take a look at this magnificent sight. – An international team of scientists working with paleopathologist Albert Zink and microbiologist Frank Maixner from the European Academy (EURAC) in Bozen/Bolzano have now identified the presence of Helicobacter
Question: Which comet has the longest tail ever recorded? Answer: Comet Hyakutake holds the record of having the longest tail, at a length of 560 million kilometers. This record – A great number of archaeological sites and prehistoric monuments have revealed alignments towards celestial events that played an important role in life of many ancient cultures in – Densely packed groups of stars may make excellent cradles for complex space-traveling life to evolve. Despite studies that claim these environments, known as globular clusters, may be – Scientists once again try to restore the chronology of the Homeric epics Iliad and Odyssey. They compare the natural phenomena the epic describes with astronomically ascertained ones, thus – A wonderful city of ice has been constructed in Heilongjiang province, north-eastern China for the 32nd Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. Ice castles, towers and structures – An unusually star-deprived black hole at the site of two merged galaxies is showing that these massive gravitational voids can shed weight too, according to astronomers. The – The remains of a 3,400-year-old citadel the citadel that once served the needs of mariners, who often visited the ancient port city, was recently uncovered in Nahariya, – These curious male and female figurines from the ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan have long puzzled researchers. They simply defy explanation. Once, they were admired and
A. Sutherlands – – Mother Nature’s artistry is quite remarkable. Among the most famous rocks one can find in the Northern Territory of Australia, we can find
Question: Is there a planet in the Universe that experiences glass storms? Answer: Planet HD 189733b is located 63 light-years away. This “blue marble” alien planet resembles Earth – When the Fukang meteorite slammed into the surface of Earth, one suspected this extraterrestrial gemstone could mirror the stellar beauty of the cosmos, and it really did. – Since time immemorial, the seal has served as a stamp of indisputable authenticity, just as a signature is accepted in the world today. The use of seals – Archaeologists digging in Newhaven, a historic fishing village in Scotland, discovered poorly preserved human bones dated to the sixteenth or seventeenth century. The team was looking for – Today, most people associate the heart as a symbol of love, but in ancient times people used a variety of different signs and symbols to express their
Question: Why Is Our Ocean Considered A Mystery? Answer: 95% of the ocean is a mystery. Water covers about 70% of our planet. Unfortunately, we’ve only been able to explore – An ancient road built using the polygonal technique has been accidentally discovered during drainage works conducted at an archaeological site in the southern province of Mersin’s historical Tarsus – When you think of London many things come to mind, but not the fact that there are many hidden underground rivers flowing beneath the large capital of – Sophisticated ESO telescopes give astronomers an opportunity to conduct advanced search for the largest gravitationally bound structures in the Universe — galaxy clusters. Observations by the VLT and – The Kraken is perhaps the largest monster ever imagined by mankind. In Nordic folklore, it was said to haunt the seas from Norway through Iceland and – Humans sleep shorter, deeper than our closest animal relatives, according to a new study. The secret, according to a new study, is that our sleep is more
Question: Are we really made of stardust? Answer: Yes, we are all made of stardust. Everything we are and everything in the universe and on Earth originated from stardust, and – A lacy web of bright frost-filled fractures fills a crater near the north pole of Mars in this image, acquired Sept. 20, 2015 with the HiRISE camera