– The impact of social media on our lives is today widely recognized. Depending on how it is used, social media can be very beneficial or damaging to – New study that re-evaluate data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft during a close flyby of Phobos, two decades ago, suggests that the moons of Mars formed – Science has now confirmed that the warm glow of kindness is real, even when there’s nothing in it for you. Researchers undertook a major analysis of existing
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Researchers have discovered a new species of a giant dinosaur that once roamed South Africa’s Free State Province. Named Ledumahadi mafube this plant-eating – A strange, oblong interstellar object we known today as ‘Oumuamua, came from another star system and was observed for the first time by humans in October – A team of scientists has calculated the strength of the material deep inside the crust of neutron stars and found it to be the strongest known material
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Earth is not a perfect sphere. When it rotates on its spin axis an imaginary line that passes through the North and South – ESA’s star mapping mission, Gaia, has shown our Milky Way galaxy still experience continuing effects of a near collision that took place in the past 300–900 million – Sun-like stars (in similar mass and age) do indeed rotate in a similar manner as the Sun in that their equatorial regions rotate more rapidly than at mid-
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Scientists have come up with a very unusual glacial engineering plan that could limit sea-level rise. The idea is truly unorthodox, but researchers – A UK team of astronomers report the first detection of matter falling into a black hole at 30 percent of the speed of light, located in the – An unusual infrared light emission from a nearby neutron star detected by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope could indicate new features never before seen. Could an unusual infrared
Cynthia McKanzie – – Jellyfish come in various shapes and forms, but some can be quite stunning, like this one discovered on a beach in Auckland, New Zealand. While – The line that separates stars from brown dwarfs may soon be clearer thanks to new work led by Carnegie’s Serge Dieterich. A new study demonstrate that brown
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Imagine trying to see something around a corner. This is easily done with mirrors, but imagine that light from the object can only reach the – Smile on your face doesn’t necessarily mean that everything in your life is perfect and you’re happy. In a new study led by body language expert Dr – An ancient ocean and a water cycle similar to Earth’s, has been discovered on Mars and it suggests that a large body of water did indeed cover the
Cynthia McKanzie – – Keeping a watching eye on all significant Earth changing events around the world is vital because this planet is our only home. In times when reports – Astronomers say that some remains of the supernova explosion may continue to shine for several years. Sometimes, the gaseous remains of the explosion slam into hydrogen-rich gas and
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Scientists have for centuries believed that England, Wales and Scotland were created by the merger of Avalonia and Laurentia more than 400 million
Cras a massa viverra, viverra nibh sed, molestie mi. Cras semper velit vel euismod interdum. Aenean efficitur scelerisque dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam tincidunt libero vitae – Why do some people stick to false beliefs when they are presented with hard evidence that shows the opposite? New study finds that feedback rather than hard – An unusual pair of asteroids – Patroclus and Menoetius – has been studied by scientists at Southwest Research Institute. They are around 70 miles wide and orbit around – Is it possible to transmit messages and speech through the skin? Now a method of sending messages in English by using vibrations on a person’s skin has been
Animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco. Qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Do eiusmod tempor incididunt