– Scientists are investigating temperature anomalies and the latest study shows extreme heat events both in the summer and in the winter are increasing across the U.S. and – The Big Bang theory and the question of how life on Earth began has fascinated scientists for decades, but now new research from The University of Western – Astronomers have used NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope to do a comprehensive census of 22,426 globular star clusters found to date. Globular clusters are much smaller than entire – A new method explains how radiation belts are formed around the planet Saturn, has been discovered by an international team of researchers from BAS (British Antarctic Survey), University
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – While searching for extraterrestrial life astronomers tend to focus on finding watery worlds. Although there can be very unique organisms living on alien – Massive ultracompact galaxies are very small and extremely rare, but may hold the secrets of how galaxies form and evolve. They have several times more stars than our – Why do we like the bitter taste of coffee? Bitterness evolved as a natural warning system to protect the body from harmful substances. By evolutionary logic, we – Do Earth-like planets in the galaxy have magnetic fields? Researchers have analyzed one type of exoplanet – super-Earths up to five times the size of our own – The unmanned InSight spacecraft landed on the red planet without problems just before 3 p.m. ET on Monday. InSight’s two-year mission will be to study the deep – For the first time, fossils from a new species of gigantic dicynodont were found by Polish and Swedish researchers from Uppsala University and the Polish Academy of Sciences – On 26 November, NASA’s robotic science lab – InSight lander – will land on the dusty Martian surface around 20:00 UTC (21:00 CET). NASA’s InSight spacecraft will – Astronomers recently discovered the stars all were born in the same generation, solving a long-standing puzzle about how stars evolve. A team of Korean and Belgian astronomers – A new study led by ANU has investigated the nature of a cosmic phenomenon that slows down star formation, which helps to ensure the Universe is a place where life – Using X-ray and radio data, scientists have determined that Abell 1033 is actually two galaxy clusters in the process of colliding. This extraordinarily energetic event, happening from
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Carl Sagan often reminded us not to forget our close connection with the Universe. “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way – New research from a University of Washington-led team of astronomers gives updated climate models for the seven planets around the star TRAPPIST-1 located in the Aquarius – In the early 2020s, NASA intends to launch a spacecraft that will orbit and possibly even place a lander on Europa, a moon of Jupiter – – A three-legged, one-armed spacecraft-geologist (InSight) will study MArs deep interior and listen for quakes. NASA’s Mars Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) lander – A vast array of regularly spaced, still-inhabited termite mounds in northeastern Brazil — covering an area the size of Great Britain — are up to about 4,000 – The black hole at the centre of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*, has been visualised in virtual reality for the first time. Recent astrophysical models of Sagittarius A* – A disrupted galaxy resembling a giant tadpole, complete with an elliptical head and a long, straight tail, has been identified by astronomers from from Israel, the United States – A new study sheds light on strange grooves crisscrossing the surface of the Martian moon Phobos. A new study suggests that grooves were made by rolling boulders – NASA has chosen Jezero Crater as the landing site for its upcoming Mars 2020 rover mission. The rover mission will not only seek signs of ancient habitable conditions – An international team of researchers, have found a star system (nicknamed Apep after the serpentine Egyptian god of chaos ), which is the first known candidate in – Our brain has two clocks. We need both of them. One type relies on memories from past experiences and the other on rhythm. Both are critical to