– Humans are reversing a long-term cooling trend tracing back at least 50 million years and this process has taken just two centuries, say researchers. By 2030, Earth’s
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Can you imagine humans covered in fur? Scientists are attempting to unravel a great mystery – why are humans so hairless? Researchers have previously – Researchers at John Innes Centre have shed light on how catnip – also known as catmint – produces the chemical that sends cats into a state of – Researchers from the Carnegie Supernova Project provides the best-yet calibrations for using type Ia supernovae to measure cosmic distances. Type Ia supernovae are fantastically bright stellar phenomena. – The complicated sex life of Primula was a subject that fascinated Charles Darwin and generations of geneticists that followed because it’s one of the best examples of heteromorphic flower – From August through early December, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft traveled the last 1.4 million miles (2.2 million km) of its outbound journey to arrive at a spot 12 – Surface of dwarf planet Ceres is rich in organic matter, researchers say. A team led by Southwest Research Institute has concluded that the data from NASA’s Dawn – Voyager 2 now is slightly more than 11 billion miles (18 billion kilometers) from Earth. Mission operators still can communicate with Voyager 2 as it enters this – China launched a rover early Saturday destined to land on the far side of the moon, a global first that would boost Beijing’s ambitions to become a – As Earth’s magnetic shield fails, so do its satellites. First, our communications satellites in the highest orbits go down. Next, astronauts in low-Earth orbit can no longer – Computer simulations of the plumes of liquid water that stream out of Jupiter’s moon Europa show that the forthcoming space mission JUICE may offer an answer to – Astronomers have discovered a distant planet with an abundance of helium in its atmosphere, which has swollen to resemble an inflated balloon. The planet – HAT-P-11b – is – Researchers have observed young stars in a star-forming region in the constellation Taurus and found many of them to be surrounded by structures that can best – One of the biggest questions in modern physics, has been solved by scientists at the University of Oxford. In the research, they unify dark matter and dark energy – The Earth’s early formation process was a relatively quick from the cloud of dust and gas around the sun, trapping water and gases in the planet’s mantle, – Scientists have solved the mystery of why some closely-related species of an iconic reef fish have vastly different color patterns, while others look very similar. Researchers at – It’s the first time a visitor from another star system has been seen nearby. But what is it? An asteroid, a comet … or an alien artifact? – NASA’s robotic spacecraft OSIRIS-Rex arrived at the asteroid Bennu Monday. The spacecraft executed a maneuver that transitioned it from flying toward Bennu to operating around the asteroid. – Researchers used a new method for measuring isotopic ratios of water and carbon dioxide and found that the water in Saturn’s rings and satellites is like water – An international team of scientists have detected ripples in space and time, known as gravitational waves, from the biggest known black-hole collision that formed a new black – An international team of astronomers involving researchers at the University of Tokyo and Astrobiology Center of the National Institutes of Natural Sciences have reported more than – An international team of astronomers using the Kepler space telescope and other ground-based telescopes to witness a Type 1a supernova just minutes after the explosion occurred 170 million light – Using ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array), researchers have found that the rings of gas surrounding active supermassive black holes are not simple donut shapes. Instead, gas expelled – ESA’s Exoplanet Satellite ‘Cheops’ will target 15 October to 14 November 2019 for launch. Cheops will lift off on a Soyuz rocket operated by Arianespace from Europe’s spaceport