– Researchers from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science confirm the urgency to tackle climate change. It’s known that extreme weather events can affect the year-to-year – A team of scientists and engineers has for the first time successfully drilled over two kilometers through the ice sheet in West Antarctica using hot water. This – A new study suggests that one key to Titan’s mysterious atmosphere is the “cooking” of organic material in the moon’s interior. One of the greatest mysteries about – A rapid rise in temperature on ancient Earth triggered a climate response that may have prolonged the warming for many thousands of years, according to scientists. A – Greenland is melting faster than scientists previously thought — and will likely lead to faster sea level rise caused by accelerating warming of the Earth’s atmosphere, a – Astronomers have found that the emission from the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at the center of our Galaxy comes from a smaller region than – Exoplanet surveys have yielded many surprises over the years, and the discovery of “disintegrating” exoplanets was one of them. These are planets that produce asymmetric shapes in – Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have discovered behavior by a jet from a giant black hole that has never been seen before. They have observed – In the final phase of NASA’s Cassini mission, the spacecraft dived between Saturn and the innermost ring, at altitudes 2600-3900 km above the cloud tops. During six – Researchers have discovered the brightest quasar yet known, detected from the period when the universe’s star-making hydrogen gas became ionized, known as “reionization.” The quasar’s exceptional brightness – Barnard b (or GJ 699 b) is a recently discovered Super-Earth planet orbiting Barnard’s Star, making it the second nearest star system to the Earth. Although likely – NASA informs that the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) was brought back to full operational status and completed its first science observations just after – An international team of scientists, including astronomers from the Universities of Leicester, Bath and Warwick, have found evidence for the existence of a ‘hot cocoon’ of material
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Having good and clean air in our home is always appreciated. Using air filters to keep offending allergens and dust particles at – Antarctica experienced a sixfold increase in yearly ice mass loss between 1979 and 2017, according to a new study from the University of California, Irvine, NASA’s Jet – Researchers examined the satellite galaxies of Messier 94, or M94, a galaxy similar in size to our Milky Way. They have long known the Milky Way has – The first confirmed example of a double star system that has flipped its surrounding disc to a position that leaps over the orbital plane of those stars, – A new Tel Aviv University-led study finds that some supermassive black holes are triggered to grow, suddenly devouring a large amount of gas in their surroundings. In – The first direct evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals has been discovered by astronomers at the University of Warwick, and our skies are filled with – A mysteriously bright, spectacular object burst in the northern sky last June by the ATLAS survey’s twin telescopes in Hawaii. The object was spotted 200 million light – A new planet roughly twice the size of Earth has been discovered located within the “habitable zone”—the range of distances from a star where liquid water may – “At the cloud top level around 65?km height, a global Y-shaped structure was observed in the ultraviolet region and a large bow-shaped structure was discovered in the mid-infrared – Researchers have analyzed pulses of radio waves coming from a magnetar (a rotating, dense, dead star with a strong magnetic field), located near the supermassive black – Astrophysicists have found the first ever evidence of gigantic remains being formed from repeated explosions on the surface of a dead star in the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.5 – In 2023, Hera – named after the Greek goddess of marriage – would travel to a binary asteroid system – the Didymos pair of near-Earth asteroids. The