Conny Waters – – Researchers have analyzed the genome of the oldest human fossil found in Mongolia to date and show that the 34,000-year-old woman inherited around
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Much mystery surrounds dark energy and the cosmological constant, the proxies used to explain the accelerating expansion of the Universe. New research
A. Sutherland – – Can past events be photographed after they have occurred? This is an interesting question, however, at first glance, it may seem absurd. Based
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – A series of discoveries providing some of the first hints as to the origin of black hole mergers have been announced by
Jan Bartek – – Belief in and practice of witchcraft in Europe goes far back in time. Witches were considered evil by Medieval people and the belief
Conny Waters – – On December 26, 1665, the Codex Cospi (or Codex Bologna) was given as a Christmas gift to the Italian nobleman Ferdinando Cospi (1606
Ellen Lloyd – – On October 31, many of us celebrate Halloween, a tradition that is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. It
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Centaurs are minor planets believed to have originated in the Kuiper Belt in the outer solar system. They sometimes have comet-like features
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Fossils recovered from Antarctica in the 1980s represent the oldest giant members of an extinct group of birds that patrolled the southern
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Either “sprites” or “elves” could be dancing in the upper atmosphere of the solar system’s largest planet, according to a new study from
Conny Waters – – An attempt to smuggle three artifacts made of porcelain and glass at Alexandria port – failed, according to the authorities. The head of
Conny Waters – – It’s not unusual to find ancient silver or gold coins in Europe. Often related to a turbulent year of civil war, or escape
Conny Waters – – The composition of red and black inks in ancient Egyptian papyri from circa 100-200 AD, has been discovered by a team of researchers
Jan Bartek – – There seems to be no end to archaeological findings in Egypt. Archaeologists announced they have found hundreds of marvelous ancient Egyptian treasures when
Ellen Lloyd – – Louis XIV, known as Louis the Great or the Sun King (1638 – 1715) couldn’t stand bad table manners. The Sun King is today
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Astronomers report a series of “shell structures” that are evidence of a gigantic collision caused by a dwarf galaxy that plunged into
Conny Waters – – Tools made by some of North America’s earliest inhabitants were made only during a 300-year period, according to a new study. The findings
Conny Waters – – Some years ago, researchers had no evidence that Neanderthals lived in Scandinavia. There is enough evidence that Neanderthals were living in northern Germany
Jan Bartek – – It may be nothing than just pure coincidence, because pandemics have been around as long as humans, but it’s interesting to note a
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – A phenomenon of quantum mechanics known as superposition can impact timekeeping in high-precision clocks, according to a theoretical study from Dartmouth College,
Conny Waters – – Archaeologists have unearthed the main gate of the historical Harran Palace, in southeastern Turkey’s Şanlıurfa province Harran region. The city of Harran was
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – The lost ‘Resurrection’ tectonic plate has long been a topic of debate among geologists. Some have questioned its existence, arguing it was
Jan Bartek – – During a pandemic is can be troublesome to conduct archaeological excavations, but it’s not always impossible. Archaeologists in Canada have discovered 35,000 unique
A. Sutherland – – In Egyptian mythology, the god Shu was the god of air and of sunlight and represented a life-giving breath. In this function, he