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On This Day In History: Execution Of Saints Crispin And Crispinian – On Oct 25, 286

Saints Crispin And Crispinian – On October 25, 286 (or possibly 285) Saints Crispin and Crispinian were beheaded during the reign of Roman Emperor Diocletian.

Crispin and Crispinian were brothers who fled persecution for their faith. Together with St. Quintinus, an early Christian Saint they went to Gaul to preach the gospel and settled at Soissons.

According to some sources, Crispin and Crispinian were twin brothers, but that has not been proven.

Much of the earnings Saints Crispin And Crispinian earned as shoemakers was distributed among the poor.

During the day the brothers preached Christianity and by night they worked as shoemakers. The money they earned by their trade they used to support themselves and also to aid the poor.

Their success attracted the ire of Rictus Varus, governor of Belgic Gaul, a hater of Christians, who subjected them to torture. Later they were thrown into the river with millstones around their necks, but they survived and Rictus Varus was so furious they didn’t die that he committed suicide himself. Unfortunately, the two brothers were soon theareafter beheaded by the Emperor c. 286.

Today, Crispin snd Crispinian are the patrons of shoemakers, cobblers, and leatherworkers. Their feast day is October 25th.

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