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Obscure History Of Atlantean Statues In Ancient Toltecs’ City Of Tula

Obscure History Of Atlantean Statues In Ancient Toltecs' City Of Tula

A. Sutherland  –  – Atlantean statues Of Tula are four anthropomorphic characters representing ancient warriors who followed a Mesoamerican god-king Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent.  Quetzalcoatl represented Venus aspect – the Morning Star and was also one of the four gods who held up the sky.

Atlantes of Pyramid B at Tula Image source:

The figures are among the best-known prehispanic sculptures in Mesoamerica. They can be found in the Tula archaeological region in Mexico’s central highlands in the present-day Mexican state of Hidalgo, Mexico.

Tula (or Tollan) was an ancient capital of the Toltec civilization, which ruled Mexico 1000 years ago, and flourished from about 850 to 1150 AD.

These stone giants are located in the upper part of the temple pyramid, probably dedicated to god Quetzalcoatl’s cult. According to a myth, he died on Earth and then ascended to the sky to become the Morning Star.

Discovered and excavated by archaeologist Jorge Ruffier Acosta between (1956–1957), the ‘Tula Giants’ served many centuries as columns supporting the building’s roof. They still hold a mystery: how the figures were carved and transported to the pyramid’s top.

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