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Mythical Beautiful Adarna Bird And Its Harmful Magical Power In Mythology Of Philippines


A. Sutherland – – In myths and legends from around the world, birds play many different roles but first of all they connect the human world with the divine supernatural realm.

Adarna Bird (or Ibong Adarna) is a beautiful legendary bird of the Philippines.

Tradition says it has a very long tail with plenty of shiny metallic colors, which surprisingly change to even more beautiful shades and hues, after each of the seven sweet songs it sings.

Adarna Bird magical creature

These colors are pearl, bronze, emerald, diamond, crystal, gold and copper alloy), and dark red garnet. After the last song, it defecates and then finally, sleeps with its eyes wide open.

The bird also has a marvelous, varied song (or seven different songs) all with magical qualities. One of these qualities is that it can make anyone fall asleep.

It is the only creature, which could restore lost health, cure disease and bring tranquility by its divine songs.

Despite its amazing beauty, the Adarna Bird has a harmful magical ability; its droppings can turn any living creature into stone.

Birds have always been mysterious creatures and close to gods. Myths from all across the world tell of magnificent birds that were sometimes known under a variety of names among ancient cultures. One of the most famous mythical birds is the Phoenix bird of immortality. The Phoenix is known in various forms and by various names throughout the Middle and Far East, the Mediterranean, and Europe. It is a symbol of resurrection.

One of the earliest forms of the Chinese Phoenix is the nine-headed bird (“Jiu Feng”), a monster in Chinese mythology.

The creature – with a bird’s body and nine heads with human faces – was worshiped by ancient natives in Hubei Province (part of the kingdom of Chu during the Warring State Period (475 – 221 BC). The nine-headed bird (also called “Nine Phoenix“) was viewed as a totem in the kingdom of Chu during the period of 475 BC to 221 BC.

Written by – A. Sutherland  – Senior Staff Writer

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