– Many people that have heard or studied about the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greek culture are unaware that under the Temple of Apollo two fault lines cross. Ancient writers wrote that vapors rose from the basement putting the Oracle into a trance from which she guided Greek civilization for thousands of years.
Early ancient writers said it was believed that hundreds of years prior to the Temple, there was a crevice at Delphi that lead into the underworld that was first discovered by goat herders. Goat herders observed that their goats were acting crazy at this spot and when they themselves were there they had visions and premonitions. Archeologists have found that Delphi was first occupied around 1600 BCE. Later the Temple of Apollo was built.
Up until recently scientific skeptics had denounced and scoffed about these claims until a group of scientists, archeologists and a science historian discovered that the ancients were correct. In his book titled The Oracle science historian William Broad and his scientist team prove the existence of the crossed fault lines and the presence of an intoxicating gas called ethylene in the rocks below the Temple.

As to the spiritual, political, and visions of the future guidance given by the Oracle, the scientists were skeptical. However, from their experiences in this investigation they were forced to recognize that there were other forms of valid inquiry besides scientific reductionism.
One scientist while sitting in his study, suddenly heard a booming voice in the room predicting the result of a coming horse race. Even though very skeptical of the experience, he went to the race and made a small 30 dollar bet on the very longshot horse called Hero. The horse won and he pocketed over 500 dollars.
Broad wrote a short very moving epilogue tribute to the Oracle in his book. It is well worth repeating here. Keep in mind that the Oracle of Delphi was an institution of many female oracles, each who took turns guiding Greek culture through the ages.
“It was more than three millennia ago that the Oracle began speaking on behalf of the gods. For much of that time, she enjoyed a reputation that was literally stellar, joined as she was to Apollo and the wonders of the firmament. But then, as the light of Greek civilization faded, her image fell into various states of disrepair and left her stained, demonized, lost, mocked, romanticized, and, after the French excavations, pitied and at times ridiculed.
In a way, the four scientists brought her back to life. Gone were images of the waif, the fool, the knave. In the aftermath of the team’s find, she regained respectability as an intelligent woman and came back as – if nothing else – a serious historical figure. As the old claims took on new substance, so did the Oracle’s air of mystery ad spirituality, perhaps even some of her repute for navigating all time and space, for exploring the hidden powers of the mind. It was as if smart, sophisticated Clea had come back to preside over the sanctuary and wander the surrounding hills.
Be sensitive to the lessons of liberality, she seemed to be saying. Cherish your science but understand it as a finite guide to the immensities of time and space. It’s not a religion, not a worldview. Will it save you? Can it explain my insights and actions? With Delphi, do not let knowledge of the vapors blind you to other truths, other vistas. Look far. Dance with the world rather than trying to explain it away. Consider the boat, not just the planks.
Seize knowledge. Ask hard questions. But know, too, that your intellect is a small window and that its views can be surprisingly incomplete. Feel deeply. Revere truth in all its forms.
Yes, she seemed to be saying. You have discovered one of my secrets, I have others.
Excerpted from Ed Komarek’s just released book Enlightenment: The Long Hard Road available for free on its website along with his previous two books UFOs, Exopolitics and the New World Disorder and Fire In Nature, A Fire Activist’s Guide.
Written by: Ed Komarek – Contributor
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