Mystery Of Nazca’s Controversial Three-Fingered Mummies Continues – Attempt To Confiscate The Ancient Remains!

Conny Waters – – Will we ever learn the truth about the mysterious three-fingered mummies with elongated skulls discovered at Nazca in Peru?

These ancient mummies have captivated the world for a long time, but we still don’t know who these people were and where they came from?

Mystery Of Nazca’s Controversial Three-Fingered Mummies Continues - Attempt To Confiscate The Ancient Remains!

Image credit: Youtube / Gaia

A University in Peru has now announced some of these controversial mummies will hopefully be exhibited so that the public can see them. Yet, the best news is that the University said the mummies will also be properly examined and to adequate, honest and accredited national and international scientists.

The University in question in the “Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga” located in the Department of Ica, a region where the Nazca Geoglyphs, the Palpa Geoglyphs, the Paracas skulls, the Chincha Culture and other archeological remnants can be found.

“In spite of opposition from some archaeologists and media reporters, who even went to this university to prevent such a decision, this university has opted for the scientifically correct path. The Vice-Rector Mr. Martin Alarcón wants to investigate.

On November 6th, 2019 there will be a press conference to officially announce this decision by the university,” Exo News reports.

The three-fingered mummies which date back as far as 6,500 years have previously caused a stir and many people suspect they are not of human origin.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov, from the Russian National Research University said these are genuine ancient humanoids, but the corpses do not belong to Homo Sapiens.

“Each of the little mummies has two arms, two legs, a head, a pair of eyes and a mouth.

Tomographic scans reveal their skeletons.

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